
Start date: 01/10/2010
End date: 31/03/2014

Funded by:


Global Uncertainties

Associate Partner:
ISNGI banner

Award recipient:

Kate Cochrane
Newcastle Council

Work Stream 2: Modelling

(Leads: Seth Bullock and Richard Dawson)

Informed and circumscribed by WS1's scenario/episode analysis, WS2 will develop an integrated suite of critical infrastructure models that will drive the demonstrator software developed in WS3.

Academic outputs

Fu, G., Dawson, R. J., Khoury, M. and Bullock, S. (in review) Cascading Failure in Networks of Networks: Impact of Redundancy and Directionality, The European Physical Journal Part B.

Khoury, M., Bullock, S., Fu, G. and Dawson, R. J., (in review) Improving the resilience of symbiotic interdependent networks via permutable nodes, IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part B.

Fu, G., Khoury, M., Alderson, D., Dawson, R., Bullock, S., and Barr, S. (2012) Vulnerability Analysis of Large Scale Interdependent Infrastructure Systems, NetONets2012 (Syposium of Networks Of Networks: Systemic Risk and Infrastructural Interdependencies), Evanstan,IL, USA, June.

Fu, G., Khoury, M., Dawson, R., Bullock, S. (2012) Vulnerability Analysis of Interdependent Infrastructure Systems, in proceeding of ECCS20112 (European Conference on Complex Systems), pp18, Brussels, Belgium, September.