SOCA Registry Activity
In Southampton, we have designed and developed a semantic registry called Grimoires. The registry is UDDI compatible, but with additional metadata annotation capabilities. We advocate the use of metadata to aid discovery and selection of web and grid services. More information about the grimoires registry project can be found at
In April, the first
public release of our semantic registry was announced.
The Grimoires registry is installed on, which is accessible from the public.
Some feta service descriptions, used by myGrid project, are published into the Grimoires on fantasio.
Here is an example of feta servcie description.
Dump of RDF triples stored in Grimoires.
a simple command line user interface for Grimoires, which contains the source code, build.xml, executable scripts, all required java jars, and
a Readme file.
LucMoreau - 25 Jan 2005
SylviaWong - 13 May 2005
Created short introduction to project and link to april release.
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