Instructions for Authors

Extended Abstracts

Accepted abstracts will need to be developed into extended abstracts of 4 pages in length and be submitted by 10th Aug 2012. Please prepare your extended abstract using MS Word based on this example template and email it to us.

There will be the opportunity for poster presentations, and PhD students are particularly encouraged to present their work, either through posters or extended abstracts.

Please see Important Dates for more information on the conference timeline.

The Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics (JWEIA) have indicated their interest in the possibility of preparing a special issue of JWEIA, containing only full-length (refereed) papers from authors presenting at WES2012. Those interested in submitting such a paper – a more substantial version of their four-page WES2012 paper – are invited to let Ian Castro know, by email and by the end of the conference. In collaboration with Prof Ted Stathopolous (Chief Editor, JWEIA) a decision will then be made concerning the viability of proceeding.

Poster Preparation

The poster size for WES2012 is portrait A0 (841 mm X 1189 mm). Note the posters will be displayed throughout the conference period. Authors will be given 2 minutes in an oral session to highlight their work.