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A selection of the projects that are partners of myExperiment

Taverna logo.pngThe Taverna scientific workflow management system, produced by the myGrid project based at University of Manchester, is closely integrated with myExperiment. See the Taverna myExperiment integration page for more info.
BioCatalogue logo small.pngThe BioCatalogue provides a curated catalogue of Life Science Web Services, powering some of the functionality in myExperiment. BioCatalogue is one of our ELaboratories.
Wf4EverLogoTrans107.pngThe Workflow4Ever project is bringing together Scientific Workflows and Digital Libraries, using myExperiment as a case study in adding preservation capabilities to Research Objects. See our Wf4Ever Page for more information about myExperiment and Wf4Ever.
GalaxyLogoTrimmedMedium.pngGalaxy is an open, web-based platform for data intensive biomedical research, where researchers can perform, reproduce, and share complete analyses. See our Galaxy Page for more info about myExperiment and Galaxy.
BiovelmyExplogo.pngThe Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory project is a virtual e-laboratory that supports research on biodiversity issues using large amounts of data from cross-disciplinary sources. BioVeL offers the possibility to use workflows to process data, be that from one's own research and/or from existing sources.See our Biovel Page for more info about myExperiment and Biovel.
Scape logo cropped reduced.pngThe SCAlable Preservation Environments project is developing scalable services for planning and execution of institutional preservation strategies on an open source platform that orchestrates semi-automated workflows for large-scale, heterogeneous collections of complex digital objects. More information is available on our SCAPE page.
MicrosoftResearchLogo.pngProject Trident is a Scientific Workflow Workbench from Microsoft Research Connections and was one of the first systems to be integrated with myExperiment.