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Linguistic Development Corpus

Database content

This dataset comprises 240 digitally recorded sound files, as well as their corresponding transcripts, and morphosyntactically tagged files.

For each of the 4 tasks, there are five sets of files: transcripts, soundfiles, mp3 files, tagged files and xml files, which in turn are organised into year groups (Year 9, year 10, year 11).


01L9SAR - is the (L)och Ness task being carried out by student one (01), who is in the 9th year of school, and investigator SAR.

(see tasks for details of task codes)

Database content

Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
L: Loch Ness L: Loch Ness L: Loch Ness
I: Interrogatives I: Interrogatives I: Interrogatives
N: Negatives N: Negatives N: Negatives
P: Photos P: Photos P: Photos