DAVID, A. (2008). Vocabulary breadth in French L2 learners. Language Learning Journal, 36(2), 167-180.
DAVID, A. (2008). A developmental perspective on productive lexical knowledge in L2 oral interlanguage. Journal of French Language Studies, 18(3), 315-331
DAVID, A., MYLES, F., ROGERS, V. & RULE, S. (2009) ‘Lexical development in instructed L2 learners of French: Is there a relationship with morphosyntactic development?’ in H. Daller, D. Malvern, P. Meara, J. Milton, B. Richards & J. Treffers-Daller (Eds.), Vocabulary studies in first and second language acquisition: the interface between theory and application. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp 147-163
LABEAU, E. & MYLES, F. (eds.), (2008). The advanced learner variety: the case of French. Oxford, Peter Lang, (300 pages).
MARSDEN, E., MYLES, F., RULE, S. & MITCHELL, R. (2002). Oral French Interlanguage Corpora: Tools for Data Management and Analysis. Centre for Language in Education Occasional Papers no. 58. University of Southampton.
MARSDEN, E. MYLES, F., RULE, S., MITCHELL, R. (2002). Using CHILDES tools for researching second language acquisition. In Sarangi, S. & van Leeuwen, T. (eds.) Applied Linguistics & Communities of Practice British Studies in Applied Linguistics. London: Continuum.
MARSDEN, E., & DAVID, A. (2008). Vocabulary use during conversation: a cross-sectional study of development from year 9 to year 13 amongst learners of Spanish and French. Language Learning Journal, 36(2), 181-198. Link to article.
MITCHELL, R. & MYLES, F. (2004; 2nd edition). Second Language Learning Theories. London: Edward Arnold.
MITCHELL, R., DOMINGUEZ, L., ARCHE, M., MYLES, F. & MARSDEN, E. (2008). ‘SPLLOC: a new database for Spanish second language acquisition research.’ In Roberts, L., Myles, F., & David, A. (Eds.). EUROSLA Yearbook (Vol. 8). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
MYLES, F. (1995). Interaction between linguistic theory and language processing in SLA. Second Language Research, 11(3), 235-266.
MYLES, F. (1996). The acquisition of interrogatives by English learners of French: the role played by structural distance. In K. Sajavaara (Ed.), Approaches to Second Language Acquisition (Vol. 16, pp. 195-208). Jyväskylä: Jyväskylä Cross-Language Studies.
MYLES, F. (2002). Linguistic development in classroom learners of French: a cross-sectional study. End of award report R000223421. University of Southampton.
MYLES, F. (2003). The early development of L2 narratives: a longitudinal study. Marges Linguistiques, 5, pp. 40-55.
MYLES, F. (2004). From data to theory: the over-representation of linguistic knowledge in SLA. In R. Towell & R. Hawkins (Eds.), Empirical evidence and theories of representation in current research in Second Language Acquisition: Special Issue of Transactions of the Philological Society, pp 139-168.
MYLES, F. (2004). The second language acquisition of French: setting the scene. In Myles, F. & Towell, R. (eds) The acquisition of French as a second language. Special issue of the Journal of French Language Studies 14,3, pp. 211-232.
MYLES, F. (2005). The emergence of morpho-syntax in French L2. In J-M. Dewaele (ed.) Focus on French as a foreign language: multidisciplinary approaches. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp 88-113.
MYLES, F. (2005). Interlanguage corpora and second language acquisition research. Second Language Research, 21(4), 373-391.
MYLES, F. (2007). Using electronic corpora in SLA research. In Ayoun, D. (ed.) Handbook of French Applied Linguistics. Amsterdam : John Benjamins, pp. 377-400.
MYLES, F. (2007). Complexité, exactitude et fluidité : le rôle que jouent les séquences préfabriquées dans l'interlangue des débutants. In Van Daele, S., Housen, A., Kuiken, F., Pierrard, M. & Vedder I. (eds.) Complexity, accuracy and fluency in second language use, learning and teaching. Brussels: KVAB, pp.167-81.
MYLES, F. (2008). Investigating learner language development with electronic longitudinal corpora: Theoretical and methodological issues. In Ortega, L & Byrnes, H. (eds.) The longitudinal study of advanced L2 capacities. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 58-72.
MYLES, F. (2010). Building a comprehensive Second Language Acquisition theory. In Seedhouse, P., S. Walsh & C. Jenks (Eds.) Conceptualising ‘learning’ in Applied Linguistics. John Benjamins, pp. 225-39.
MYLES, F., HOOPER, J., & MITCHELL, R. (1998). Rote or rule? Exploring the role of formulaic language in classroom foreign language learning. Language Learning, 48(3), 323-363.
LABEAU, E. & Myles, F. (2009) The Advanced Learner Variety: The Case of French. Bern: Peter Lang
MYLES, F., MITCHELL, R., & HOOPER, J. (1999). Interrogative chunks in French L2: A basis for creative construction? Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 21(1), 49-80.
MYLES, F. & MITCHELL, R. (2004). Using information technology to support empirical SLA research. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1(2), 169-196.
MYLES, F. & TOWELL, R. (Eds.). (2004). The acquisition of French as a second language. Special Issue of the Journal of French Language Studies, 14(3).
MYLES, F. & DAVID, A. (2006). Recherche dans le domaine de l'interlangue française : où en est-on? Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata, 6(3), 79-92.
ROBERTS, L., MYLES, F., & DAVID, A. (Eds.) (2008). EUROSLA Yearbook (Vol. 8). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
RULE, S. (2004). French interlanguage oral corpora: recent developments. In Myles, F. & Towell, R. (eds) The acquisition of French as a second language. Special issue of the Journal of French Language Studies 14(3), 343-56.
RULE, S., MARSDEN, E., MYLES, F. & MITCHELL, R. (2003). Constructing a database of French interlanguage oral corpora. In Archer, D., Rayson, P., Wilson, E. & McEnery, T. (eds) Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics 2003 Conference, UCREL Technical Papers no. 16, pp. 669-77, University of Lancaster.
RULE, S. & MARSDEN, E. (2006). The acquisition of functional categories in early French L2 grammars: the use of finite and non-finite verbs in negative contexts. Second Language Research 22(2), 188-218.
Conference Presentations
DAVID, A. (2006). Vocabulary knowledge in second language learners of French: a preliminary study. ESRC Seminar “Testing and teaching vocabulary in a second language settingâ€, University of Wales Swansea, June 2006.
DAVID, A. (2006). Using CHILDES in second language research. Keynote paper, CorpuScript, Ghent, Belgium.
DAVID, A. (2007). Vocabulary and morphosyntactic complexity in French second language learners. Symposium on “Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language Use, Learning and Teaching Symposiumâ€, Free University of Brussels.
DAVID, A. (2007). Do story (re-)telling tasks really tell us something about lexical development? ESRC seminar “Models and Concepts: practical needs and theoretical approaches in modelling and measuring vocabulary knowledgeâ€, University of Swansea.
DAVID, A. (2007). Evaluer l'interlangue: la variation en function des exercices. Annual Conference, Association for French Language Studies, Boulogne-sur-Mer, September 2007.
DAVID, A. (2007). Vocabulary and morphosyntactic complexity in L2 learners. EUROSLA 17, Newcastle upon Tyne, September 2007.
DAVID, A. (2008). Productive and receptive lexical development in L2 learners. Paper presented at The Nature & Development of L2 French, Southampton, U.K.
DAVID, A. (2008). Using CHILDES to measure lexical and grammatical development. 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquee, Essen, August 2008.
DAVID, A. (2008). Receptive lexical knowledge in university students learning French as an L2. EUROSLA 18, Aix-en-Provence, France, September 2008.
DAVID, A., MYLES, F., ROGERS, V. & RULE, S. (2008). Using CHILDES to measure lexical and morphosyntactic development. AILA, Essen, Germany, August 2008.
DAVID, A., ROGERS, V. & MYLES, F. (2007). Développement morphosyntaxique et lexical chez les apprenants du français L2. Annual Conference, Association for French Language Studies, Boulogne-sur-Mer, September 2007.
GRANGET, C. (2008). The acquisition of the properties of nouns and verbs by English learners of French L2. 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquee, Essen, August 2008.
MARSDEN, E. & DAVID, A. (2008). Vocabulary use during conversation: a cross-sectional study of development amongst learners of Spanish and French. Paper presented at Corpus methods for SLA Research, Southampton, U.K.
MARSDEN, E. & DAVID, A. (2008). Vocabulary use and inflectional diversity during L2 conversation in Spanish and French: a cross-sectional study of development. EUROSLA 18, Aix-en-Provence, France, September 2008.
MARSDEN, E., MITCHELL, R., MYLES, F. and RULE, S. (2002) Using CHILDES tools for researching second language acquisition. BAAL annual conference, Cardiff, September 2002.
MITCHELL, R. (2004). Scaffolding and microgenesis in early learner French. Annual Conference, American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland, Oregon, May 2004.
MITCHELL, R. (2006). Using second language corpora to validate assessment models for second language learning. British Association for Applied Linguistics, Cork, September 2006.
MITCHELL, R. (2006). Using second language corpora to validate curriculum and assessment models for spoken L2 French. Annual Conference, American Association for Applied Linguistics, Montreal, June 2006.
MITCHELL, R. (2008). Design principles for L2 oral corpora. 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquee, Essen, August 2008.
MITCHELL, R. & MYLES, F. (2004). Colloquium organisers: The use of corpora in second language acquisition research. Annual Conference, American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland, Oregon, May 2004.
MITCHELL, R. & MYLES, F. (2006). Colloquium organisers: Using CHILDES to support the French SLA research agenda. Annual Conference, American Association for Applied Linguistics, Montreal, June 2006.
MITCHELL, R. & MYLES, F. (2008). Colloquium organisers: Developing and using L2 learner corpora in second language acquisition research. 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquee, Essen, August 2008.
MYLES, F. (2002). The development of verb morphosyntax in L2 French. Invited talk, University of Surrey.
MYLES, F. (2003). Corpus d’interlangue française orale: outils de gestion et d’analyse. Université de Chambéry (whole day workshop).
MYLES, F. (2003). Utiliser CHILDES pour une analyse morphosyntaxique de la négation en français langue étrangère. Invited talk, Journée scientifique, Université de Paris.
MYLES, F. (2003). Rethinking language research methods for a digital age. Invited talk, University of the West of England.
MYLES, F. (2003). Rote-learned chunks and interlanguage development. Invited talk, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels.
MYLES, F. (2003). Theoretical approaches to Second Language Acquisition research. Invited talk, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels.
MYLES, F. (2003). Second Language Acquisition research. Invited talk, North West Centre for Linguistics’ Research Training programme, University of Manchester.
MYLES, F. (2004). Using corpora for second language acquisition research: the case of verb morphosyntax. Invited talk, University of Lancaster.
MYLES, F. (2004). The development of verb morphosyntax in French L2. Annual Conference, American Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland, Oregon, May 2004.
MYLES, F. (2005). Longitudinal corpora: theoretical and methodological issues. Invited talk, Georgetown University Round Table in Linguistics, Washington DC.
MYLES, F. (2005). Constitution et exploitation de corpus d'apprenants en français langue étrangère. Invited plenary at Colloque UNTELE 05, Université de Compiègne, France.
MYLES, F. (2005). Constitution et exploitation de corpus d'apprenants de français langue étrangère, whole day workshop at Université de Chambéry, September 2005.
MYLES, F. (2005). Learner corpora and the SLA research agenda, EUROSLA 15, Dubrovnik , Croatia , September 2005.
MYLES, F. (2006). The morphology/syntax interface in French as a foreign language. Annual Conference of Association for French Language Studies, Bristol, September 2006.
MYLES, F. (2006). The morphology/syntax interface in French as a foreign language, EUROSLA 16, Antalya, Turkey, September 2006.
MYLES, F. (2006). The role and status of formulaic language in early second language grammars. Invited plenary at University of Stockholm, December 2006.
MYLES, F. (2006). Formulaic language in SLA. Invited talk, Heriot Watt, May
MYLES, F. (2006). The development of verb morphosyntax in French L2. Invited talk, University of York.
MYLES, F. (2007). Creating and Using a database of oral corpora for SLA research. Invited talk, Glasgow, February 2007.
MYLES, F. (2007). Invited plenary, Symposium on “Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language Use, Learning and Teachingâ€, Free University of Brussels.
MYLES, F. (2007). Constitution et exploitation de corpus d'apprenants de français langue étrangère. Invited plenary at Association for French Language Studies seminar « Le français des corpus 2 », Bristol January 2007.
MYLES, F. (2007). The status of formulaic language in early L2 grammars. Plenary at workshop on “Sources of knowledge in second language acquisition researchâ€, University of Salford, February 2007.
MYLES, F. (2007). The role played by formulaic language in early second language grammars. Plenary at the Newcastle Postgraduate conference, June 2007.
MYLES, F. (2008). Half day workshop for researchers on Using CHILDES for SLA research, Free University, Brussels, March 2008.
MYLES, F. (2008). Le développement du lexique et de la syntaxe en début d'apprentissage du français L2: processus parallèles ou interdépendants? Plenary opening address of conference ‘La place de l'intervention dans une acquisition des compétences en interaction. Le cas du FLE’, Free University, Brussels, March 2008.
MYLES, F. (2008). Building a comprehensive SLA theory: the Holy Grail? Invited talk, BAAL/CUP seminar on Conceptualising learning in Applied Linguistics. Newcastle University, June 2008.
MYLES, F. (2008). The nature and development of L2 French. Keynote address, Conference on The Nature & Development of L2 French, University of Southampton, July 2008.
MYLES, F. (2008). Using a large oral database to map French L2 development: a case study. 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquee, Essen, August 2008.
MYLES, F. (2009). CHILDES Workshop. In conjunction with the 4th Newcastle Postgraduate Conference in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Newcastle University, 26 March 2009.
MYLES, F. (2009). L2 development of different aspects of language: cognitive versus linguistic mechanisms? EUROSLA conference, Cork, Ireland, September 2009.
MYLES, F. (2010). French Linguistics in the UK. Séminaire des études françaises. French Embassy, London, February 2010.
MYLES, F. (2009). CHILDES Workshop. In conjunction with the 4th Newcastle Postgraduate Conference in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Newcastle University, 26 March 2009.
MYLES, F. (2009). L2 development of different aspects of language: cognitive versus linguistic mechanisms? EUROSLA conference, Cork, Ireland, September 2009.
MYLES, F. (2010). French Linguistics in the UK. Séminaire des études françaises. French Embassy, London, February 2010.
MYLES, F (2010). Linguistic development in L2 French and Spanish. Newcastle University, UK, February 2010
MYLES, F (2010). The interaction between formulaic language and generative competence in early second language grammars. FLaRN20 conference, Paderborn, Germany, March 2010
MYLES, F (2010). The Learner corpora and second language acquisition. The Fifth Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) group International Conference on Connecting Corpus Linguistics, Edinburgh, June 2010
MYLES, F (2010). Plenary Address. Linguistic development in classroom learners of French. Annual conference of the Association for French Language Studies, Cambridge, September 2010.
MYLES, F (2010). Learning French from ages 5, 7 and 11: an investigation into starting ages, rates and routes of learning amongst early foreign language learners. University of Cambridge, November 2010
MYLES, F (2010). The role played by formulaic language in emergent L2 grammar. University of Greenwich, UK, November 2010
MYLES, F (2010). Débuter le français à 5 ans, 7 ans ou 11 ans: le role de l’âge dans l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère en milieu scolaire. Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland, November 2010
MYLES, F (2011). Plenary address. EUROSLA (European Second Language Assocation) annual conference, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2011.
MYLES, F (2011). The contribution of learner corpora to SLA theory-building and methodology (Keynote). Louvain, Belgium, September 2011.
MYLES, F. & DAVID, A. (2006). The development of verb morphosyntax in French L2, Annual Conference, American Association for Applied Linguistics, Montreal, June 2006.
MYLES, F., MARSDEN, E., and RULE, S. (2002). Corpus d'interlangue française orale: outils de gestion et d'analyse. Journée d'étude de l'ATALA: Constitution et exploitation de corpus du français parlé, Paris, May 2002.
MYLES, F., MARSDEN, E., RULE, S. and MITCHELL, R. (2002). Oral French interlanguage corpora: tools for data management and analysis. Association for French Language Studies seminar: “Les Français des Corpusâ€, Univ. of West of England, February 2002.
MYLES, F. & MITCHELL, R. (2002). French interlanguage corpora and the SLA research agenda. BAAL/CUP Seminar “Linguistic Development of Frenchâ€, Southampton, July 2002.
MYLES, F., & MITCHELL, R. (2003). Rote-learnt chunks and interlanguage development: a corpus-based study. American Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, Washington, DC., March 2003.
ROGERS, V. (2006). Verb raising in L2 French. Paper presented at the Postgraduate Linguistics Conference, University of Newcastle, June 2006.
ROGERS, V. (2006). Syntactic development in L2 learners of French. Paper presented at EUROSLA 16, Antalya, Turkey, September 2006.
ROGERS, V. (2006). Syntactic Development in L2 learners of French. Association for French Language Studies doctoral workshop, UWE, Bristol, September 2006.
ROGERS, V. (2007). Développement du placement des verbes chez les anglophones apprenant le français. Annual Conference, Association for French Language Studies, Boulogne-sur-mer, September 2007.
ROGERS, V. (2007). Verb-raising in instructed English L2 learners of French. EUROSLA doctoral workshop, Newcastle, UK, September 2007.
ROGERS, V. (2008). Adverb placement in English L2 learners of French. The Romance Turn 3 workshop, Southampton, September 2008.
ROGERS, V. (2008). Adverb placement in English L2 learners of French. EUROSLA, Aix en Provence, France, September 2008.
ROGERS, V. (2008). Development of L2 French syntax: is there a link between object clitics and adverb placement. Association for French Language Studies, Oxford, UK, September 2008.
ROGERS, V. (2008). L1 transfer and adverb placement in English L2 learners of French FLLOC conference 'The Nature & Development of L2 French', Southampton, UK, July 2008.
RULE, S. (2006). The development of grammatical gender in the French L2 classroom. Annual Conference, British Association for Language learning and Teaching Special Interest Group, Southampton, April 2006.
RULE, S. (2006). Using CHILDES to analyse French L2 morphosyntax. Annual Conference, American Association for Applied Linguistics, Montreal, June 2006.
RULE, S, (2006). Explaining patterns of production in a second language: negation amongst instructed learners of French. BAAL Annual Conference, Cork, September 2006.
RULE, S. (2008). The development of the determiner phrase (DP) in instructed L2 French. FLLOC conference 'The Nature & Development of L2 French', Southampton, UK, July 2008.
RULE, S. (2009). A comparative study of the acquisition of grammatical gender in French and Spanish L2. EUROSLA Conference, Cork, Ireland, September 2009.
RULE,S. (2010). Designing a task to assess receptive lexical knowledge of young learners of L2 French in an English Classroom setting. EUROSLA conference, Reggio Emilia, Italy, September 2009.
RULE, S. & MARSDEN E. (2002). The acquisition of negatives in French L2 classroom learners. Association for French Language Studies annual conference, St Andrews, August 2002.
RULE, S. & MARSDEN, E. (2002). The acquisition of negatives in the French L2 classroom. BAAL / CUP seminar “Linguistic Development of L2 Frenchâ€, Southampton, July 2002.
RULE, S., MARSDEN, E. and MYLES, F. (2002). The acquisition of negatives in the French L2 classroom. European Second Language Association annual conference, Basel, September 2002.
RULE, S. & MYLES, F. (2007). Areas of persistent difficulty in second language French syntax. Invited talk, Birmingham, February 2007.
RULE, S. & MYLES, F. (2007). The acquisition of grammatical gender in the French L2 classroom. EUROSLA 17, Newcastle upon Tyne, September 2007.