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FLLOC Conference

On 7th & 8th July 2008 the FLLOC project team organised a two-day conference "The Nature and Development of L2 French" at the University of Southampton with support from the Association for French Language Studies. The aim was to bring together the community of researchers interested in the study of French as a second language. The plenary speakers addressed the sociopragmatics of French SLA (Jean-Marc Dewaele), and the morphosyntactic development of classroom learners of French (Florence Myles). A number of other papers presented corpus-based findings on other aspects of learner French (syntax, lexical development, discourse). The conference also proposed a hands-on CHILDES training workshop especially designed for those using or interested in using the program and its tools to analyse French L2 data.

CHILDES Workshop

On 26th March 2009, Annabelle David & Florence Myles organised a one-day CHILDES workshop at Newcastle University Funded by British Academy Small Research Grant: SG-51728. The aim was to introduce researchers unfamiliar with CHILDES, but planning to do empirical work, to the basics of transcription and coding of new and existing material and to the tools available to analyse data; and to help researchers who have a basic knowledge of the database and programmes but need help in addressing specific research questions within CHILDES (e.g. use of part-of-speech tagger, searches on morphosyntactic lines, etc).

The workshop was attended by over 25 researchers from as far afield as Croatia and Finland working on L1 and L2 acquisition.

For more information, please contact: Annabelle David

AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council ESRC Economic and Social Research Council THE UK NATIONAL ACADEMY FOR THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES
University of Southampton Newcastle University Association for French Language Studies