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Posters and Slides
  1. Geodise Hand out Slides [ ppt ]
  1. Knowledge Services for Distributed Service Integration - as presented at e-Science All Hands, Sheffield, 2-4 September 2002  [ pdf ]
  1. Geodise Poster - as presented at UK e-Science Centre Opening, 25th April 2002  [ ppt ]
  1. Slides & Report - as presented at the Visualisation Workshop, NeSC, Edinburgh, 23 -24 January 2003  [ ppt ]
  1. As presented at the White Road Grid Consortium, Leeds, 29 January 2003 [Slides (ppt); Report (doc)]
  1. As presented at e-Science Pilot Projects, NeSC, Edinburgh, 30-31 January 2003
    Geodise Database presentation [ ppt ]
    Geodise Database handout [ ppt]
    Geodise Application poster [ ppt ]
    Geodise Application handout [ ppt ]
    Geodise CAD poster [ ppt ]
    Geodise Knowledge & Ontology poster [ ppt ]
  1. Geodise Open Day Posters, Southampton Regional e-Science Centre, 12th May 2003 [ ppt ]
    Geodise Middleware
  2. As presented at Geodise Open Day, Southampton Regional e-Science Centre, 12 May 2003
    "Geodise 18 months" - Simon Cox
    Computational Fluid Dynamics, University of Oxford - Sergio Campabasso
    Geodise Applications - Wenbin Song, Hakki Eres
    Geodise Compute - Graeme Pound, Hakki Eres
    Geodise Database - Zhuoan Jiao, Jasmin Wason, Marc Molinari
    Geodise Workflow and SMS - Fenglian Xu
    Geodise Knowledge - Liming Chen, Barry Tao, Colin Puleston
    BAEgrid: early experiences with Grids in Industry - Alan Gould, BAE Systems Ltd

  1. AHM2003, Nottingham, 2-4 September 2003
    Geodise Poster, [ ppt ]
    Geodise Presentation - Grid middleware for engineering design search and optimisation, [ ppt ]
  1. e-Science Workflow Services, 3-5 December 2003, NeSC
    Simon Cox: Applied Workflows in Geodise [ PDF ] [PPT] [Link to Workshop materials]
  1. Presented at EURESCO - Advanced Environments and Tools for High Performance Computing, Albufeira, 14 - 19 June 2003 [ PPT ]
  1. International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 (ICCFD3), Toronto, 12-16 July 2004 [ PDF ]
  1. UK e-Science booth, Supercomputing 2004, Pittsburgh, USA, 6 - 12 November 2004 [ PPT ]


Video Demos

Last Updated: 25/2/05
School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ
Tel: +44 (0)2380 593116, Fax: +44 (0)2380 597082 Email:
� The Geodise Project 2001-2004