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Teaching textual analysis in modern languages

Date: 13 November, 2009
Location: University of Bath, Building 8 West, Room 2.8
Event type: Seminar

Location map | Programme

This event is organised by the Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies in collaboration with colleagues from the Department of European Studies and Modern Languages at the University of Bath.

The conference will bring together colleagues interested in sharing their experience in teaching and assessing Reading, Textual Analysis and Textual Commentary as part of modern language degree programmes.

The day will address issues relevant to both 'language' and 'content' courses.


There is no charge to attend this event for employees and postgraduate students of publicly funded UK higher educational institutions and other institutions with a subscription to the Higher Education Academy. The fee for employees and postgraduate students of private institutions/organisations and non-UK institutions is £40.
Lunch will be provided. We reserve the right to charge a £50.00 non-attendance fee.

Travel bursary

A travel bursary is available for this event. Deadline for applications is the 2 November, 2009.

Programme for 13 November 2009
Time Session
10.15-10.45 Arrival and coffee  (Building 8 West, Room 2.8)
10.45-11.00 Welcome
  To: Room 2.30
11.15-11.45 Framing and Re-framing: contrastive text analysis
Dr Karen Seago, City University, London, Centre for Translation Studies
11.45-12.15 Diagnosing Problems with Students' Grammar: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Analysis Approach
Diana Hopkins, University of Bath, English Language Centre
Word Integrating grammar into our IELTS syllabuses (Word File, 40Kb)
12.15-12.45 Berlusconi's "abbronzato" gaffe: Using Frame Analysis to Teach the Political Implications of Vocabulary in Italian Newspapers
Isabella Stefanutti and Elena Minelli, University of Bath, Dept of European Studies and Modern Languages
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 1.8Mb)
12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.30 Manuscripts and Multimedia: Analysing 19th-century Spanish Texts
Dr Rhian Davies, University of Sheffield, Dept of Hispanic Studies
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 32Kb)
Word The First Paragraph of Torquemada en la hoguera (Word File, 32Kb)
Word Worksheet for the session on ‘Text’ (Word File, 72Kb)
14.30-15.00 Text - Context - Discourse. Text and Discourse Analysis as Cultural Studies from a Linguistic Point of View
Dr Melani Schroeter, University of Reading, Dept of German Studies
15.00-15.30 The Sounds of Women's Silence: A Short Comparative Textual Analysis of extracts from Vera Panova's "The Factory" and Merce Rodoreda's "Diamond Square"
Dr Margaret Tejerizo, University of Glasgow, Dept of Slavonic Studies
15.30-16.00 Tea and concluding panel discussion
  Using textual analysis to teach written French
Dr Isabelle Baron, University of Bath, Dept of European Studies and Modern Languages
Word Working notes (Word File, 64.0Kb)