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Employability and Enterprise in Linguistics and English Language degrees

Date: 11 April, 2011
Location: UWE Frenchay Campus /The Street Cafe
Event type: Workshop


This workshop focuses in particular on developing employability among Linguistics and English Language students. It aims at sharing good practice in supporting students in the development of employability skills that will enhance their careers

The workshop is for academics and careers staff in universities across the UK who are interested in embedding placements or skills training into their degrees and would like to hear how this is done in a variety of institutions across the UK.


  • There is no charge to attend this event for employees and postgraduate students of publicly funded UK higher educational institutions and other institutions with a subscription to the Higher Education Academy.
  • There is a charge of £50 for employees and postgraduate students of private institutions/organisations and non-UK institutions to attend this event.
  • Please note that we reserve the right to charge a £50 cancellation fee if you do not notify us by Monday 4th April 2011 that you are unable to attend.
  • Lunch will be provided.
  • Deadline for registrations: Monday 4 April 2011

Travel bursary

Travel bursaries are not available for this event.

Time Session
9.45 – 10.20 Coffee and registration
10.20 - 10.30 Alex Gilkison (Pro Vice-Chancellor & Executive Dean, Faculty of Creative Arts, Humanities & Education, UWE Bristol):
Opening and Welcome to UWE Bristol
10.30 -11.15 Jeanine Treffers-Daller and Jeanette Sakel (UWE Bristol):
Wider perspectives and more options for English Language and Linguistics students: employability development across the UK
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 311.45 KB)
Watch the video (wmv)
11.15 - 12.15 Joan Beal and Jenny Moore (Sheffield):
An innovative way of embedding enterprise and employability in the English Language and Linguistics curriculum (+ student perspective)
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 871 KB)
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 638 KB)
Watch the video (wmv)
12.15 - 12.45

Two Linguistics/English Language graduates will talk about their careers since graduation
Jodie Davies (Sussex Linguistics / English Language graduate and now Speech and Language Therapist)
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 3.45 MB)

Emma Haynes (UWE Linguistics graduate and Teacher at the Grange School, Bristol)
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 651.5 KB)
Watch the video (wmv)

12.45 - 13.15 Lunch
13.15 - 14.00 Jane Ratchford (Director of the Manchester Leadership Programme):
The Manchester Leadership Programme – Developing the Employability of students across an institution
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 7.45 MB)
14.00 - 14.45 Angela-Jayne Kilpatrick (UCLAN, Employability Co-ordinator for English Language and Linguistics):
The English Language Skills Initiative for Employability Project (ELSIE): The benefits of embedding employability into a core curriculum
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 2.12 MB)
Watch the video (wmv)
14.45- 15.30 David Gee (UWE Bristol, Careers consultant):
Developing Tailored Careers Support for Humanities Students
Powerpoint Slides (PowerPoint, 844 KB)
Watch the video (wmv)
15.30 - 15.45 Tea/coffee break
15.45 - 16.15 General discussion and conclusion