Fact sheets: studying Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies at university
- Download: Studying languages at university (format: pdf 371Kb)
- Download: Studying linguistics at university (format: pdf 478Kb)
- Download: Studying area studies at university (format: pdf 273Kb)
All three are designed to complement the marketing materials being produced for the three areas covered by the Subject Centre. They are designed for post-16 students considering studying any of these disciplines at university. The factsheets look at the basic structure and content of a typical degree course, the options and combinations available for university study and outline the types of careerpaths that graduates in these disciplines might go on to follow. All three contain links and references to further sources of information. The factsheets were produced in conjunction with CILT.
- cilt_areastudies.pdf (0 Kb)
- cilt_languages.pdf (0 Kb)
- cilt_linguistics.pdf (0 Kb)

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