
LLAS Event

llasevent iconPreparing languages students for the world of work (9 Mar 07)
Event date: 9 March, 2007
Location: Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London WC1
llasevent iconPromoting languages through cross-sector collaboration (6 May 05)
Event date: 6 May, 2005
Location: Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London WC1
llasevent iconThe place of Languages in the curriculum (6 Dec 2004)
Event date: 6 December, 2004
Location: Room B202, 2nd floor, Russell Square Campus, Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies,
llasevent iconSelling Languages: Challenges and solutions (12 Nov 2003)
Event date: 10 November, 2003
Location: The Women's Library, London Metropolitan University
llasevent iconArea Studies: Developing Marketing Strategies
Event date: 13 March, 2002
Location: British Academy, London
llasevent iconLanguages marketing and recruitment
Event date: 15 March, 2002
Location: British Academy, London

News item

news iconELAN: Effects on the European economy of shortages of foreign language skills in enterprise

CILT, along with its research partner, InterAct International, have now completed their research into the effects on the European economy of shortages of foreign language skills in enterprise.

news iconRoutes into Languages: £4.5 million programme for languages

The Routes into Languages Programme is a HEFCE funded initiative to increase and widen participation in language study in higher education. It also aims to support the national role of HE languages as a motor of economic and civic regeneration. The Programme has been developed by the University Council of Modern Languages (UCML), the HE Academy Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS) and CILT, the National Centre for Languages.

news iconIcelanders speak up for languages
An article on the BBC news website reports that an academic behind one of the UK's more unique courses has condemned the policy of foreign languages being optional in schools after the age of 14 (31st August, 2005).
news iconForeign assistance: working in a French school for a gap year
What is it like to work in a French school during a year abroad? Katie Phipps reports in the Guardian Newspaper, 23rd August 2005.
news iconWorld's your oyster
Numbers of language students have dropped dramatically over the past decade, so now rarity value is added to the many assets you gain from taking a language course. Donald MacLeod reports in the Guardian Newspaper (23rd August 2005).
news iconLanguages exam plea
Britain's economic future will be 'compromised' unless more students study science and foreign languages, the director general of the CBI fears (14th August 2005).
news iconBeckham's first interview in Spanish
England captain David Beckham won a spontaneous round of applause from journalists as he made his first real attempt at speaking Spanish in public, reports an article on the BBC sport website, 12th January, 2005.
news iconMinister to offer cash for languages
The Times Educational Supplement, 26th November 2004, reports that secondary schools could be given more money to persuade them to become specialist language colleges as new evidence emerges of the subjects' decline.
news iconSpeak a second language for money, happiness... and sex
An article on the Independent website, 1st November 2004, reports that Britons who learn a foreign language are richer, happier and are regarded as sexier than those who can only speak English.
news iconLearning languages 'boosts brain'
An article on the BBC news website, 13th October 2004, reports that learning a second language "boosts" brain-power.
news iconTalking a second language keeps old age at bay
An article on the Times Online website, 13th June 2004, reveals a study has found that learning and using a second language helps to protect the brain from the effects of ageing.
news iconEuropean Day of Languages, 26 September 2003

Free marketing materials available.

news iconLaunching Atlas: The Area Studies Project Bulletin
ATLAS is the new Area Studies Project publication by the LTSN Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. The first edition will be launched in printed and online form in May 2003. Call for contributions - deadline for submissions is 25th April 2003.
news iconArchived February 2003 ebulletin

The monthly Subject Centre e-bulletin gives information on events, news items and newly available resources.

news iconBAIS/LTSN Day Conference on 'Irish Studies in the Curriculum'
The British Association for Irish Studies, in association with the Learning and Teaching Support Network, is proposing to hold a day conference on 'Irish Studies in the Curriculum' during Autumn 2003 at Senate House, University of London. The event is co-ordinating by the English Subject Centre and the Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies.



Linguistics FAQ


paper iconResearching 'Languages Work': Why don't teenagers pick languages?
With the removal of languages from the compulsory curriculum for 14-16 year olds, the post 16 decline in language learning is starting to affect numbers taking GCSE as well. Public debate centres on the importance of pupil choice, and the alleged unpopularity of the subject among teenagers. The 'Languages Work' project has produced materials designed to improve careers guidance in languages, and so increase take up. This paper outlines findings from our development work which sheds light on teenagers' attitudes towards languages and how to address their misconceptions.
paper iconWidening horizons: Charting progress the Aston way
This paper discusses Aston University's Widening Participation project, providing pathways into the University via Foundation Degrees, with a view to creating a new service and knowledge-based workforce in the Birmingham region. Languages form an important part of the knowledge economy and the Languages For Life project, launched in 2001, is described. Current Aston undergraduates are recruited as ambassadors for local schools and a supporting conference was held. Ways in which the project can be developed further are discussed.
paper iconBridging the Gap: University of Manchester
The University of Manchester's Bridging the Gap project to help students transition between GCSE, As and A2 level is described. Various forums and committees were set up to identify gaps in their respective syllabuses and events days were run at a Language College to help fill these gaps. Feedback on the events was good and it is hoped that this type of event will encourage more students to take languages at university level.
paper iconStorm clouds with a silver lining: New opportunities for language programmes
Although university language programmes have undergone many difficulties during recent years, there have also been success stories. In this paper, the author balances the negative and the positive, encourages institutions to face the commercial argument head-on and provides a list of perspectives which language course providers can use to promote take-up.
paper iconNew contexts for university languages: the Bologna Process, globalisation and employability
So far, the Bologna Process is changing university studies in all countries except the UK. However, the author posits that the globalisation and commercialisation of HE may overtake the Bologna agenda and goes on to discuss this paradox. Prior strategies for emphasising employability have perhaps been badly-implemented and so suggestions for future improvement are included.

Area Studies FAQ