Statistics: UCAS and HESA data on student numbers to 2008
Download statistics:
- HE language students in the UK, 2007/08
(PDF file, 616Kb) - First destinations of first-degree language students, 2007/08
(Word doc, 684Kb) - Languages in Higher Education 2008
(Word doc, 88Kb) - UCAS Modern Languages applications and acceptances - 1996 to 2008
(Excel spreadsheet, 137Kb) - UCAS Modern Languages applications and acceptances by region for 2008
(Excel spreadsheet, 44Kb) - Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) trends in Language students - 2005/6
(Word doc, 66Kb) - HE enrolment trends - 2002/03 to 2006/07
(rich text format, 258Kb). Data source: HESA, analysis carried out by the DfES - First-degree Undergraduate language students by institution - 2002/03 to 2006/07
(Word doc, 466Kb). Data source: HESA, analysis carried out by the CILT - Postgraduate language students in the UK - 2006/07
(Word doc, 103Kb). Data source: HESA, analysis carried out by the CILT - Postgraduate language students by region - 2006/07
(Word doc, 174Kb). Data source: HESA, analysis carried out by the CILT - Postgraduate language students by institution - 2002/03 to 2006/07
(Word doc, 344Kb). Data source: HESA, analysis carried out by the CILT
- UCAS and HESA data on student numbers to 2005/06
(Word doc, spreadsheet, 179Kb). Data Source: UCAS and HESA - UCAS Linguistics applications and acceptances - 2003 to 2006
(Excel spreadsheet, 25Kb) - HE Linguistics students in the UK, 2002/3 to 2006/7
(Word doc, 122Kb). Data source: HESA
- UCAS Modern Languages applications - 2004
(rich text format, 1.3 Mb) - UCAS Modern Languages applications - 2003
(rich text format, 1.2 Mb)
Further reading on CILT's website:
Additional statistical data relating to education and the labour market are available on CILT's website. This includes GCSE and A level exam entries and HESA university student enrolments.
See also:
Higher education statistics: Frequently asked questions
- UCASapplicationfigures2003.rtf (0 Kb)
- UCASapplicationfigures2004.rtf (0 Kb)
- UCASapplicationfigures2005.rtf (0 Kb)
- HESA1998-2003.rtf (0 Kb)
- DfESstats2002_2005.rtf (0 Kb)
- UCASapplicationfigures2005detail.rtf (0 Kb)
- HESA_linguistics_2004-5.rtf (0 Kb)
- CILT_HEdata_fdUGs_2005-6.doc (0 Kb)
- HESA_linguistics_2006.doc (0 Kb)
- UCASlanguages1996_2006entry.xls (0 Kb)
- UCASlinguisitics2003_2006entry.xls (0 Kb)
- UCAS_HESA_Linguistics03-06.doc (0 Kb)
- DfESstats2002_2006.doc (0 Kb)
- PG_language_by_institution_2007.doc (0 Kb)
- UG_language_by_institution_2007.doc (0 Kb)
- HESA_linguistics_2007.doc (0 Kb)
- PG_language_by_region_2007.doc (0 Kb)
- PG_language_2007.doc (0 Kb)
- CILT_UCAS_languages_1996_2008_entry.xls (0 Kb)
- CILT_UCAS_languages_regional_2008_entry.xls (0 Kb)
- cilt_analysis_2002_03_to_2007_08.pdf (616 Kb)
- first_destination_survey.doc (682 Kb)
- stats_for_website_2010.doc (87 Kb)

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