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News item

news iconBritish Academy award for LLAS

LLAS has been awarded funding from the British Academy to write an online statistics textbook for humanities students.

news iconSurvey of 'non-specialist' language learners

LLAS with support from UCML are carrying out a survey on the motivations of 'non-specialists' studying languages in UK higher education and the languages and types of study on offer. The survey has been funded by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).

news iconReview of Modern Languages in Higher Education - Invitation to Heads of HE Modern Languages departments

A review has been commissioned by HEFCE to investigate the health of modern foreign languages provision in English higher education (HE).

news iconUCAS figures for 2007 released
UCAS released their figures for the current year 2007 entry on 17 October 2007. The news was good for single and major honours language acceptances.


LLAS Event

llasevent iconWhat lies beneath? An ethnographic analysis of translator behaviour
Event date: 10 March, 2009
Location: School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Durham University, Elvet Riverside, room 148, Durham DH1 3JT
llasevent iconTeaching quantitive methods and statistics to linguistics students
Event date: 23 January, 2009
Location: Seminar Room 3.06, Baines Wing, University of Leeds
llasevent iconImplications of the HE White paper
Event date: 21 May, 2003
Location: School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London