Language trends by Keith Marshall (2003)
Here are the 2003 updated statistics of the employability of language graduates. For comparison, the 2001 figures are also available on this site.
Download: Great
job prospects for language graduates. Year, after year, after year...
Illustrates the average unemployment rates among new graduates in the UK (1996
- 2002) (
Download: Trends
in Higher Modern Foreign Language take-up in Scotland (1976 - 2002) (
Download: Trends
in A-level Modern Foreign Language take-up in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
(1975-2003) (
Download: Increases and decreases in Modern Foreign Languages A2 entries (2002-03) (Excel spreadsheet)
- aleveltrends.pdf (0 Kb)
- greatjobprospects2003.pdf (0 Kb)
- highertrends.pdf (0 Kb)
- MFL2003.xls (0 Kb)

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