Education for Sustainable Development: bibliography
Tom Bigg (editor) (2003) Survival for a Small Planet (Earthscan, London ).
This brings together dozens of the leading experts from around the world in an analysis following the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. The distinguished group of authors examines the contributions that governments, business and civil society can reach make to improve the world's prospects and they set out an agenda for those working to achieve a sustainable world.
Bowler, I.R., Bryant, C.R. and Cocklin, C. (eds) (2002) The Sustainability of Rural Systems: Geographical Interpretations ( Dordrecht , Kluwer).
A series of essays covering broader concerns about the sustainability of rural systems linking environmental considerations to the wider social, economic and political contexts.
Chambers, N., Simmons, C. and Wakernagel, M. (2000) Sharing Nature's interest: ecological footprints as an indicator of sustainability (Earthscan, London ).
Department for Education and Skills (DfES) (1999) A better quality of life: a strategy for sustainable development for the UK (HMSO, London ).
Precursor of current Action Plan that focuses on education, environmental impacts of DfES and the education estate, and local partnership activities.
De Souza, G. and Gebremedhin, T. (1998) Sustainability in agricultural and rural development (Ashgate, Aldershot ).
Elliott, J.A. (1999) An introduction to sustainable development (Routledge, London ).
Geography , Vol. 87, no. 3 (2002) - special issue on 'Sustainable Development'
This has a series of essays from leading geographers addressing themes relating to sustainable development. Published to coincide with the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002
Jules N. Pretty (2002) Agri-Culture: reconnecting people, land and nature (Earthscan, London ).
Jules N. Pretty (1998) The living land: stakeholders, communities and sustainable agriculture in Europe (Earthscan, London ).
Jules N. Pretty (1995) Regenerating agriculture: policies and practice for sustainability and self-reliance (Earthscan, London ).
These focus on a new form of production and consumption of food by applying ecological principles and utilising local knowledge and values rather than 'technological-fix' solutions. Substantial reform of institutions and policies is achieve sustainable development.
Martin Purvis and Alan Grainger (editors) (2004) Exploring Sustainable Development: Geographical Perspectives (Earthscan, London ).
This demonstrates Geography's unique contribution to the study of human - environment relationships and examines notions of sustainability at the full range of spatial scales from the global to the local in both urban and rural areas.
Reid, D (2004) Sustainable development: an introductory guide (Earthscan, London ).
Wakernagel, M. and Rees, W.E. (1996) Our ecological footprint: reducing human impact on the Earth (New Society Publications, Toronto ).

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