LLAS Event

Event date: 27 April, 2012
Location: Arts 201, Arts Building (R16 on map), University of Birmingham

Event date: 4 December, 2009
Location: The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Event date: 10 January, 2007
Location: Birmingham
Materials Bank Item

These materials concern a protest in Bagua, Peru on 5 June 2009 against a free trade agreement with the USA. According to official sources, 34 people (10 civilians and 24 police) lost their lives during an attempt by 600 Peruvian soldiers and riot-police to remove an indigenous blockade of the Belaunde Terry Highway at Devil's Curve in the northern Peruvian Amazon. They are based on an article published in Social Movement Studies: Hughes, N (2010) Indigenous Protest in Peru: the 'Orchard Dog Bites Back' Vol 9, No1, pp85-90, January. The materials are an example of how easy-to-use and cheap technologies can be used by lecturers to address the nexus between teaching, research and technology.
News item

Sustainability Education: Perspectives and Practice across Higher Education, edited By Paula Jones, David Selby and Stephen Sterling.

The Higher Education Academy’s ESD Project invites applications for the funding of small grants designed to develop small-scale work in the area of interdisciplinarity.

A new publication called The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy, edited by Arran Stibbe was funded by the Higher Education Academy for Sustainable Development Project and conducted by the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges in partnership with the University of Gloucestershire Centre for Active Learning, the University of Brighton and the UNU RCE (Severn).

We want to know how you and your colleagues incorporate sustainability into your courses. We are looking to capture the type of curriculum material and teaching approaches you have developed. We are also interested in understanding any barriers to, or opportunities for, embedding sustainability into your courses.

The Higher Education Academy has contracted StudentForce for Sustainability to conduct UK wide surveys in partnership with NUS Services, AGCAS, Graduate Prospects Ltd and others to find evidence of the impact of employer's ethical, social and environmental responsibility on the graduate job market.

The Higher Education Academy's Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Project invites applications for funding of up to 4K to develop capacity to better assist institutions and subject communities in their development of curricula and pedagogy to equip students with the skills and knowledge to live and work sustainably.
Web Guide (GPG)

Higher Education is under pressure to produce graduates with the knowledge and skills for working in a globalised world and with the values and attitudes to behave as global citizens. Are Area Studies students developing these 'global perspectives' through their studies? A scoping study at the Royal Geographical Society (with with the Institute of British Geographers) has investigated the current status of the global dimension. The research project examined how global perspectives are manifest at three different levels within Higher Education: disciplines/subject areas, departments/teaching teams and institutions. In Area Studies, the picture is generally encouraging, with many of the building blocks for developing and strengthening global perspectives already in place. The long-term objective is for a holistic approach where all the components contributing to global perspectives are integrated and embedded into the ethos, structures, activities and daily life of Higher Education institutions.

This paper was presented at the joint LLAS - English Subject Centre event, Enhancing environmental awareness through Literatures, Languages and Area Studies. It provides an overview of possible opportunities for integrating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into languages and area studies curricula. It is a much-extended version of the report 'ESD: Report into activity of LLAS'.

An article by John Canning, Subject Centre, as part of the Subject Centre's Education for Sustainable Development Project.

An article by Michael Hutt, SOAS, as part of the Subject Centre's Education for Sustainable Development Project.

A relflective article by Guy Robinson, Kingston University, as part of the Subject Centre's Education for Sustainable Development Project.

Alison Phipps discusses how an education for sustainability might be fostered within the field of languages and intercultural studies. This is part of the Subject Centre's Education for Sustainable Development Project.

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.