Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

The purpose of the Higher Education Academy’s Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Project is to help institutions and subject communities develop curricula and pedagogy that will give students the skills and knowledge to live and work sustainably. We are working to the following aims:

  • to research and support the development of ESD in the HE sector, particularly within subject communities; 
  • to build capacity internally and amongst individuals, subject communities and institutions to embed ESD in curricula and pedagogy; and
  • to assist the coordination and dissemination of policy, research and practice relating to ESD in institutions, the Higher Education Academy and the wider field.

If you would like to submit an article to the LLAS website or to suggest a link or item for the bibliography, please contact John Canning. We welcome descriptions of current practice as well reflective pieces. To learn more about the Higher Education Academy ESD project, and to subscribe to the Academy’s electronic newsletter, please send an email to or visit The Higher Education Academy website.

The work of the Academy is explored in this recent article: Sterling, S. and H. Witham (2008), “Pushing the boundaries: the work of the Higher Education Academy’s ESD - Project,” Environmental Education Research 14, no. 4 : 399-412 

Resources on LLAS website

Sustainable development in LLAS subjects bibliography

Canning, J. (forthcoming) ‘Translating words into action and actions into words: Sustainability in Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies curricula,’ in Sustainability education: perspectives and practice across Higher Education, ed. David Selby, Paula Jones, and Stephen Sterling (London: Earthscan).  

Coates, P. (1996) ‘Clio’s New Greenhouse’, History Today, vol 46 no 8, pp15-22 A perspective from (US) Environmental History.

Fill, A. and P. Muhlhausler (2001 ed.) The Ecolinguistics Reader: Language, Ecology and Environment (London: Continuum).

Garrard, G. (2004) Ecocriticism (London: Routledge).

Goodbody, A (2002) (ed) The Culture of German environmentalism: Anxieties: Visions: Realities, Berghahn, Oxford.Goodbody, A. (1994) ‚’Es stirbt das land sienen zwecken. Writers, the environment and the green movement in the GDR’, German Life and Letters, vol 47, no 3, p325-336.

Goodbody, A. (2006) ‘Postwar dystopia and rural idyll: Arno Schidmt’s early novels and the context of ecocritiscism and cultural ecology’, Anglia- Zeitschrift für englische Philologie, vol 124, no 1, pp70-100

Lorenzo-Zamorano, S. (2007) The potential of language: sustainability in the curriculum.
(Powerpoint, 72Kb)

Riordan, C (2002) ‘Environment, landscape and culture in Germany’, in: A. Phipps (ed) Contemporary German Cultural Studies, (London: Arnold), pp65-81.

Stibbe, A. (2004) ‘Environmental education across cultures: Beyond the discourse of shallow environmentalism’, Language and Intercultural Communication, vol 4, no 4,  pp242-260

Stibbe, A. (2007) ‘Developing critical awareness language skills for sustainability: A transdisciplinary approach’, in C. Roberts and J. Roberts (eds) Greener by Degrees: Exploring sustainability through Higher Education Curricula (Cheltenham: University of Gloucestershire).

Stibbe, A. (2009) ‘The Language of Sustainability: Shouting but not being heard’.
(Acrobat file, 56Kb)

Stibbe, A. (2009 ed.) The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy (Totnes: Green Books). Multidisciplinary text including contributions from Arran Stibbe, Satish Kumar and Greg Garrard. 

External link for LLAS subjects

Language and Ecology Research Forum (includes the Language and Ecology online journal)

A sustainability network for the humanities

Nature and Environment in Modern German Literature

Journal of Ecocriticism. A new open access previewed journal based in North America

Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (UK)

The UK affiliate of the US-based Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment
The US site includes links to syllabi in humanities subjects.

European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and Environment (EASLCA)
Multilingual website. Member interests encompass a broad range of language fields including English. 

Other ESD links

Higher Education Academy ESD webpage

University of Plymouth: Centre for Sustainable Futures

Centre for Sustainable Communities Achieved through Integrated Professional Education

Forum for the Future

The Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges

HEFCE Sustainable Development webpage

Scottish Funding Council Sustainable Development webpage

Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship webpage