Materials Bank resources with this keyword
Indigenous protest in Peru
- 13 September 2010
These materials concern a protest in Bagua, Peru on 5 June 2009 against a free trade agreement with the USA. According to official sources, 34 people (10 civilians and 24 police) lost their lives during an attempt by 600 Peruvian soldiers and riot-police to remove an indigenous blockade of the Belaunde Terry Highway at Devil's Curve in the northern Peruvian Amazon. They are based on an article published in Social Movement Studies: Hughes, N (2010) Indigenous Protest in Peru: the 'Orchard Dog Bites Back' Vol 9, No1, pp85-90, January. The materials are an example of how easy-to-use and cheap technologies can be used by lecturers to address the nexus between teaching, research and technology.
Graffiti de Julio Cortázar
Leticia Goodchild - 17 December 2008
This learning object looks at a story by the Argentinian writer Julio Cortázar who was writing in difficult and oppressive political times during the last military dictatorship in Argentina which ended in 1983 just one year before his death.
This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing, and is entirely in Spanish.
En esta unidad leerás el cuento Graffiti de Julio Cortázar (escritor argentino 1914-1984), el cual trata del flirteo de una pareja de enamorados durante los años de la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983). Aprenderás cómo se pudo haber sentido el ciudadano común en una época de represión cuando los actos más ingenuos se convertían en peligrosos y subversivos. Además de leer el cuento, podrás escucharlo en las grabaciones al principio de cada parte. El acento que escucharás es el de una nativa de Argentina.
Spanish: Los Peruanos
Carmen Mortara - 24 October 2002
A sample of a programme developed on the theme of Los Peruanos which includes linguistic and cultural work on web documents, simplified texts and videoclips. The materials are for intermediate level and can be used in combination with the work done in the classroom or as part of an independent learning programme.Navigate the keywords and themes to discover Materials Bank resources on those subjects.
Themes > Area Studies > Latin-American Studies
The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.