Papers and articles with this keyword
Differentiation strategies for the inclusion of students with severe visual impairment in MFL modules in Higher Education
- 24 February 2007
It is now mandatory for Modern Foreign Language (MFL) teachers in Higher Education to make "reasonable adjustments" to allow full participation by students with disabilities. The Special Education and Disability Act (SENDA) 2001 required post-16 institutions to have implemented the Disability Discrimination Act Part IV (DDA) by September 2005. Implications of this legislation for MFL teaching on institution-wide language programmes in Higher Education are examined in this paper. A lecturer in MFL and a specialist teacher of the visually impaired (VI) explore practical teaching strategies for enabling the successful inclusion of students with severe visual impairment.Disability and residence abroad
- 16 December 2004
This article provides an introduction to ways of ensuring that disabled students are not denied the opportunity to participate in Residence Aboard and are not disadvantaged in the assessment of Residence Abroad. This is an important contribution to institutions' adherence to the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) Part IV. The fact that Residence Abroad takes place outside the UK does not absolve UK institutions of their duty of care and other legal obligations towards disabled students. Disabled students and potential students in the UK consequently have legal rights that are not affected simply because part of the course takes places outside the geographical boundaries of the UK.Humbox
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