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The Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), Languages of the Wider World (LWW) is hosted jointly by the School for African and Oriental Studies (SOAS) and University College London (UCL). Funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), it was set up in 2005 and is one of only two CETLs in the UK devoted to language learning and teaching and learning.

This article provides an introduction to Asia-Pacific studies, particularly with regard to study and research within the UK higher education institutions that have focused on it most clearly.
News item

Dr Joshua Ka-ho Mok will take up Bristol's first professorship in East Asian Studies in January 2005 and prepare for the official launch of the Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS) with an international conference in September.
Area Studies Collection

The aim of this project is to open up a major under-used resource for research in a wide range of disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences by targeted series-level cataloguing of post-1850 overseas mapping. This will facilitate remote access to key materials by converting map library catalogue records, which at present are held on cards and accessible only to researchers visiting the libraries in person. The areas of coverage include Africa, North and South America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand as well as much of Asia and the Middle East. The individual countries covered range from the tiniest Pacific islands to the vast areas of British Antarctica, from Mediterranean islands such as Cyprus and Malta to countries the size of Nigeria and Canada. Initially, different areas of the world were allocated to each partner but now each institution can also derive CURL records for areas already covered. For example, six libraries have completed work on Australia, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.

The Kennedy Papers of Captain Malcolm Duncan Kennedy cover the period from 1917 to 1965, relating to Japanese economic, military and political matters.

The Kennedy Collection consists of some 350 books relating chiefly to Japan and other Far Eastern countries.

The collection is a photographic record of places visited during a 'world tour' undertaken by Knoop in the academic session 1913-1914, mainly in the Far East. The images cover natural features, human interest such as street scenes, and major events such as earthquakes, in the countries visited, as well as incidental events on the tour.
Area Studies FAQ
LLAS Event

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.