Materials Bank Item

These materials concern a protest in Bagua, Peru on 5 June 2009 against a free trade agreement with the USA. According to official sources, 34 people (10 civilians and 24 police) lost their lives during an attempt by 600 Peruvian soldiers and riot-police to remove an indigenous blockade of the Belaunde Terry Highway at Devil's Curve in the northern Peruvian Amazon. They are based on an article published in Social Movement Studies: Hughes, N (2010) Indigenous Protest in Peru: the 'Orchard Dog Bites Back' Vol 9, No1, pp85-90, January. The materials are an example of how easy-to-use and cheap technologies can be used by lecturers to address the nexus between teaching, research and technology.
LLAS Event

Event date: 19 March, 2010
Location: University of Birmingham
News item

Proposals are invited for contributions to the European Journal of Language Policy / Revue européenne de politique linguistique, which is published by Liverpool University Press, in association with the Conseil européen pour les langues / European Language Council, and edited by Michael Kelly (University of Southampton, UK).
Area Studies Collection

ECCO is an on-line multi-disciplinary research database which consists of a library of nearly 140,000 digitised titles and editions, published in the United Kingdom between 1701 and 1800. Full-text searching of more than 32 million pages takes the user directly to primary source material in facsimile copy of its original. ECCO is of universal appeal to Classicists, Medievalists, Renaissance scholars and students of the early modern period, as well as the later period of the Enlightenment. The project is based on Thomson Gale's microfilm library. Registration required for trial access.

The Kennedy Papers of Captain Malcolm Duncan Kennedy cover the period from 1917 to 1965, relating to Japanese economic, military and political matters.

The CREFSA Library is a collection of materials on South Africa and Southern Africa. It has been built up as a result of research projects undertaken at CREFSA and also through contact with central banks, government departments, financial institutions and academic institutions. References on South Africa include official publications from the South African Reserve Bank and the National Treasury as well as journals and papers from a range of academic and policy institutions. Official publications from central banks in Southern Africa are also part of the Library, together with studies of regional integration and related issues in Southern Africa. Publications from specialist information services are also available.The CREFSA Library includes the RW Bethlehem Collection, consisting of books and other material on South Africa. The Collection spans the history of the country, the economic pressures of isolation, the political transition, and the economic transition still underway.

Glasgow University library has one of the most extensive collections in Europe of Russian and East European economics, politics and history. From a modest departmental collection in 1948 it has grown to its present size of about 75,000 items. The collection is particularly strong on the Russian and Soviet economy, especially of the post-war period, but other aspects of the former USSR are well represented. There is, for example, a good series of publications on the history and the economic history of the republics and regions, and a significant number of publications on the history of individual industrial enterprises. There are rapidly expanding sections on foreign policy, politics and law, and considerable holdings of material on pre-Soviet and early Soviet history. The holdings include published collections of historical, statistical, legal, diplomatic and Party documents, dissident materials, archives such as the Schlesinger Papers, special collections (e.g. on Trotsky) and microfilm collections of newly available Russian archives.

One of the most important Latin American library collections in Europe. Holdings total c.80,000 monographs and over 1,600 journals of which about 100 are current. The collection is not housed separately but is integrated into the main stock of the University Library and dispersed throughout it on a subject basis. All items are recorded in the Library's online catalogue.

The Mendelson Collection is particularly rich in material on German political and economic history, especially of the twentieth century, including works on the rise of fascism, communism and socialism, and post-war conditions in Europe after 1945. German-language material predominates, accounting for approximately three-quarters of the collection.

The Mendelson Collection is particularly rich in material on French political and economic history, especially of the twentieth century, including works on the rise of fascism, communism and socialism, and post-war conditions in Europe after 1945. French-language material accounts for approximately one-quarter of the collection.

This collection was donated by Stephen Riley and reflects his interests in Development Studies. It also contains material on Social Sciences, Politics, African Studies and Economics. It dates from c.1950 and the items are in English or German.
Web Guide (GPG)

Economics has long been a component in interdisciplinary or combined programmes. At one-half or less of a degree the subject should be relatively non-mathematical, but for specialists it should retain its introductory and intermediate theory, its economic history and applied economic components. It lends itself well to applied study, such as German economy, French economic history, European economic integration. Foreign language sources and target language teaching, where appropriate, offer considerable gains of focus, directly relevant a wealth of web-based sources, but care must be taken with linguistic levels and register.

An account of offerings and trends in Russian Studies in the UK at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including a brief history of the field, details of selected modules within key programmes, and of the main centres for study of Russia and the former Soviet Union

This article reviews what has happened to teaching Chinese Studies since 1999, when HEFCE funding WAS injected into 10 UK high educational institutions with proven track records, whilst no government funding has gone to those without track records. Information on teaching programmes in Chinese Studies in most British universities in 2002 is also included.

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.