LLAS Event

Event date: 11 May, 2007
Location: York St John University

Event date: 15 March, 2007
Location: Brunei Gallery, SOAS, University of London

The UK appears to be at odds with the rest of Europe in terms of the application of language policies. Whilst the rest of Europe is promoting linguistic diversity, the UK has paradoxically seen a drop in the uptake of languages at Secondary School level. This trend has a detrimental effect on student recruitment in the HE sector. However, this situation may work in favour of University Language Centres. The purpose of this paper is to explore the changing roles of Language Centres, primarily in research-led universities, and within the national and international context, and to argue that the discourse on languages must be reconfigured.

This article examines a number of the practical and pedagogic considerations involved in the implementation of a digital language learning environment. It makes a distinction between digital audio-lingual and digital multi-media learning environments and focuses mainly on the latter which, because they provide a computer for every user, have rather more pedagogic potential (and are considerably more expensive) than digital audio-lingual systems. The article - presented here in shortened form - aims to providing readers with an analysis of the practical and pedagogic factors involved in deciding to move from analogue to digital materials.

The author starts her presentation with the historical background and current trends towards the application of the Common European Framework (CEF) in Slovak schools. Giving an example of an English course for Social Sciences, she then describes the specific phases of the application of the CEF.

In this paper, the author describes the operation of a Language Centre which offers its services to two institutions, the University of Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The advantages of such a system are described, especially with regard to size and diversity. The Centre sees its role as an engine of cooperation between the two institutions.

Although university language programmes have undergone many difficulties during recent years, there have also been success stories. In this paper, the author balances the negative and the positive, encourages institutions to face the commercial argument head-on and provides a list of perspectives which language course providers can use to promote take-up.

Over recent years, university language programmes have, by necessity, increased the emphasis on revenue-generating activity, which in some cases may be seen as creating a division between the academic and the non-academic. Here, the author shows out some of the benefits that this can bring, via three case studies, and makes the point that increased commercialisation can strengthen the foundations for future development.
News item

We are conducting a survey on behalf of the University of Ulster, Centre of Excellence in Multimedia Language Learning. We are interested in the many ways that technology is employed in language teaching and learning, in particular, the use that is being made of dedicated digital facilities.

The Subject Centre is distributing the CERCLES European Language Portfolio (ELP) request form for all members of AULC (Association of University Language Centres).
Web Guide (GPG)

Following the 1999 university reforms in Italy, the need arose for a system of language certification valid in all Italian University Language Centres. Under the auspices of AICLU, the Italian Association of University Language Centres, a four-year project was launched in 2000 in connection with similar initiatives by members of CERCLES, the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education. CERCLU will not re-duplicate existing certification systems but will provide an additional means of certifying two intermediate levels of linguistic competence in English and in Italian, at levels B1 and B2, with full European academic recognition.

Institution Wide Language Programmes emerged in the 1980s to 'service' growing demand for tuition from non-specialist language learners. Today they operate in various guises in the majority of UK universities. Many report buoyant numbers, but they are financially exposed for organisational and funding reasons. The best examples of IWLPs succeed in offsetting a natural tendency to uniformity through clever design of modules and by making available a wide range of resources, often through a Language Centre, to meet individual needs.
Materials Bank Item

Advice on: "Watching Films on Video"; "Taking Notes"; "Writing"; "Learning Vocabulary"; "Conversation Exchange" Template for student's "Activity Record" for language learning folder

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.