LLAS Event

llasevent iconTeaching psycholinguistics
Event date: 20 June, 2008
Location: Essex University

News item

news iconMini-projects: Call for bids
The Subject Centre is funding small projects to address the development, implementation and evaluation of innovative approaches to teaching, learning and assessment in Higher Education. The scheme is aimed at academics wanting to develop and evaluate new approaches to their teaching practices.

Web Guide (GPG)

webguide iconPsychology and linguistics: what do we need to teach each other?
In this section of the Web Guide the relationship between psychology, and linguistics is considered with respect to learning and teaching. The main questions adressed are: what linguistics does a psychologist need to know and why? What psychology does a linguist need to know and why? A brief historical background to the relationship between linguistics and psychology is provided. An overview is given of how this has fed in to the curriculum of undergraduate courses in psycholinguistics in UK psychology and linguistics departments. Samples of web resources for psycholinguistics are provided.
webguide iconHow to be the centre of the universe

Language is central to everything we do; it is what makes us human. This article situates language at the centre of the intellectual universe, showing its relations with maths and medicine, with logic and literature. Whether your interest is in the use of language to determine a suspect's guilt or innocence, the problem of how babies can acquire language and stroke victims lose it, or just how many languages there are in the world, linguistics will give you guidance.