VLEs: An introduction to online education using VLE (WebCT) communication tools
Author: Marga Navarrete
© Marga Navarrete, Imperial College
These resources were created for a Subject Centre 'Workshops to Go' by Marga Navarrete. These materials are from a series of workshops which aimed to introduce experienced f2f (face to face) lecturers to online education. A set of powerpoint presentations are available that are based on the content of two face to face workshops delivered in 2007.Format:
- Microsoft Powerpoint presentations
Access to materials
These materials are from a series of workshops which aimed to introduce experienced f2f (face to face) lecturers to online education. A set of powerpoint presentations are available that are based on the content of two face to face workshops delivered in 2007.
Target Audience
Lecturers in languages, linguistics and translation studies.
Workshop Materials
- Powerpoint 1: Tips for lecturers using communication tools: discussion boards & chat rooms
- Powerpoint 2: Fundamental principles in training experienced face to face (f2f) lecturers to moderate online courses
- Powerpoint 3: An introduction to Social networking

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