Paul Virilio theorises that life is increasingly not lived in the room, but lived on the body instead. The necessities of life become mobilised, miniaturised and made-to-measure. We used to spend time in living rooms, now we are getting used to carrying our living space with us in the shape of flak jackets with phones, combat trousers with numberless pockets and pouches, pedometers, smartcards. Soon we will have wearable computers. The Bronze-level emergency responder with his cameras and sensors is at the cutting-edge of this kind of self-contained, exploratory existence. The Gold-level command room is at risk of being left behind, managing the media fall-out of a campaign. And the Silver commander? She is in a hybrid space, a hijacked road vehicle or incident tent, a temporary authoritarian zone which is like an improvised room or an amplified garment, a sovereign suspension. For more on tents, see