There is now more than one chemical spill zone. There are, in fact, three zones spread over a huge area. At police national HQ, a strategic command bunker has been set up. The Gold commander has the Google Maps snapshots of the various incidents punched up on screen. He is getting updates from his Silver commanders twice a day on the satellite phone. He archives the reports, monitors the development of the overall situation and prepares the official line on events for the news media. There’s been a coordinated terror attack. At some point, as resources are spent, costs escalate and the sense of what has happened begins to stabilize, he will make the decision to scale back the operation. Here, after 72 hours, is where the story of the disaster is stitched back into the fabric of reality, which had been so badly damaged by the disruption of the status quo. The defining interface at the Gold level is narrative-based and its devotion to the truth takes its cues from the mythology of the quest. See the way this particular investigative report into a national disaster was set up –