[Prepared by Steve Reece and Tom Nickson]
In May Joel Fischer, Tom Nickson and Steve Reece will join Rescue Global in the Angel Thunder exercise in the US.  Orchid is attending Ex AT to determine how and what information is gathered during Search and Rescue in general and the information flow between each component of Rescue Global operatives (i.e. Bronze – pathfinders, Silver and Gold – management and control) during deployment.
YOU CAN GET INVOLVED TOO!  During Ex AT it would be great if one or two Orchidians from all partner universities visit Gold (RG’s headquarters in London) to gather data from this perspective.  Please liaise via David Nicholson at BAES if you wish to visit RG in London. We will also be blogging throughout Ex AT, so please watch this space.
In preparation for deployment on Ex AT, Rescue Global held a familiarisation exercise in Cornwall on 16 and 17 April and we attended that.  During the two day exercise they introduced us to their communication kit (see below) and we were able to glean some idea of RG’s modus operandi.  Unfortunately, a large part of both days was dedicated to filming etc for their promotional material.
RG deployment modus operandi ==========================   Silver & Bronze: Responsibility: Each team member has a clear responsibility for each section of the operation.  This separation seems to be followed – questions will be asked and advice given to the responsible person.  However once a decision is made it doesn’t seem to be questioned. Didn’t notice anyone doing things in place of someone else.

Silver:  They currently have an onsite and storage facility (terabyte). Data is collected by wire from returning pathfinders.  Silver will have four UK plug power strips for recharging electronics.  Silver computer network diagram to follow from Nick.

Bronze:  RG currently have the capability to parachute in with 400kbps+ satellite data link, 3g portable base station, multi-protocol comms router and a small generator. This would let them patch cellphones to radio comms to the internet, very flexible. Specifics to come from Simon T. later. Base station and BGAN (satellite data link) made by Cobham.
RG pathfinders carry small sony smartphones linked via cell network to HQ, allowing video streaming, location, and whatsapp.
Stream HD video from camcorder through macbook.
Local pathfinder comms. network is line of sight. [Research opportunity here: potential problem with dispersed teams when line of sight comms not possible.  Piggy-back off intelligently placed comm. nodes.]

Orders: “Orders” are a procedure to ensure that problems are planned for and risks are mitigated.  Orders go into detail about possible *risks*.
Orders are issued by email, slides, verbal, tele-conferencing etc.  Protocol – clear, concise, professional.  Meetings are tightly structured, each person reports on their region of expertise.  No questions during order dissemination. Alternatively, take a note of the issue and approach with a clear question after. Such orders (Porposo – ?spelling) in existence, in part, to reduce risk when under pressure or tired.
Full orders are quite detailed and list plans and current state of play. Fragmentary/supplementary are supposed to “patch” full orders.  They consist of warning orders, orders and supplementary/fragmentary orders.
Risk matrix – precompiled by different RG officers for their         areas (comms, medical etc).  Dynamic risk assessment is new to         RG modus operandi and will be used during Angel Thunder.  They         will record reasons for unforeseen problems in their         plans/equipment etc as they happen and include a plan of         recovery (even if the work is ultimately not fully done).         These will be recorded on forms and put on share point (they         require this information for provenance (i.e. legal defence),         for ISO assessors annual review, formal auditing processes).         These reports *formally* modify the operation plan.
Angel Thunder ============   During Angel Thunder modus operandi may change throughout deployment. Angel Thunder is seen by RG as a learning/development exercise combined with proof of concept of RG for US government and media etc. Possible input from Orchid here (e.g. explore possibility of crowdsourcing).
Beyond Angel Thunder ===================
RG will be actively involved in the Google Lune Project (comms. balloon recovery) and this will be a great opportunity for Orchid to engage with them.