Orchid Project

Orchid Blog

AHM student feedback follow-up

Created on 27 September 2013, 13:44, by Davide Zilli

Dear all, Following the student discussion at the AHM 2013, I’ve started pulling together some information for new students. I’ve collected them on a wiki page (didn’t even know we had one), but the page needs input from everyone. Can you please check through it and add anything that is missing? There was also an […]

Paul Virilio and the idea of the ‘global accident’

Created on 25 September 2013, 20:02, by Steve Beard

Steve and I hope to bring to our you guys our interest in the French contemporary philosopher Paul Virilio. For several decades, Virilio has been warning that the invention of every celebrated technology (such as air travel) brings with it a new kind of accident or disaster (the plane crash). He argues that the world […]

Our interview with Nick Jennings

Created on 22 September 2013, 19:57, by Steve Beard

Steve and I visited Building 32 on the University of Southampton campus and interviewed Nick Jennings about the disaster management strand of ORCHID  research. He was extremely hospitable and courteous and gave us a powerful insight into how the emergency services might respond to a disaster. Dronecams in the air, phonecams and CCTV on the […]

Provenance: An Introduction to PROV

Created on 17 September 2013, 21:27, by Luc Moreau

Following the recent publication of the PROV standard for provenance on the Web, this Morgan & Claypool Synthesis lecture, by myself and Paul Groth, is a hands-on introduction to PROV aimed at Web and linked data professionals. By means of recipes, illustrations, a web site, and tools, it guides practitioners through a variety of issues […]

Comment on Nadia’s post

Created on 17 September 2013, 17:42, by Steve Beard

Nice post, Nadia. Interesting that the UK government is thinking of using text message to alert people of floods, chemical leaks, pandemics, major crimes or fires in their local area. Also interesting that the Guardian’s examples of what these messages could look like are, actually, a series of jokes. Maybe this kind of response is […]

John Hansard Gallery’s videos of artists’ talks

Created on 15 September 2013, 17:20, by Steve Beard

One of the UK’s leading public galleries of contemporary visual art is located on the University of Southampton campus. John Hansard Gallery draws a wide local, national and international audience to its programme of exhibitions and events. Steve and I will be doing a talk with Hansard at the end of our residency. See some […]

Visual art and accident investigation

Created on 13 September 2013, 21:58, by Steve Beard

Steve and I are so pleased to be doing an artists’ residence with ORCHID. We see strong affinities between ORCHID research and our own interests. You guys are investigating the management of large-scale disasters, while we are interested in how narratives are pieced together from accidents as they unfold. You are experimenting with computer-driven drones […]

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Disaster response

We are developing systems that allow first responders, unmanned ground and aerial vehicles, and software agents to work effectively together.

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Smart Grid

We are developing novel algorithms and interfaces to optimise energy consumption and coordinate consumers and producers in the smart grid.

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Citizen Science

We are developing approaches that make full use of the skills, preferences and capabilities of citizen scientists.

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