Full paper presentations will be given a 20-minute slot of which no more than 12 minutes will be used for presentation; the rest of the time will be available for questions and discussion. Full papers will be up to 12 pages long in LNCS format. We are expecting to accept up to 5 full papers.
Demonstration papers will be up to 2 pages long in LNCS format and their posters will be viewed during the lunch break
Position papers will be up to 2 pages long in LNCS format and will be given a 10-minute slot each, of which no more than 5 minutes will be used for presentation; the rest of the time will be available for questions and discussion. We are expecting to accept up to 9 position papers for presentation.
MS-WORD and LaTeX templates for submissions can be obtained here.Submissions can be made using easychair following this link.