
BIKE: Bilingual Keyphrase Experiments

Nadeau, David and Barrière, Caroline and George, Foster (2005) BIKE: Bilingual Keyphrase Experiments. [Conference Paper]

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This paper presents a novel strategy for translating lists of keyphrases. Typical keyphrase lists appear in scientific articles, information retrieval systems and web page meta-data. Our system combines a statistical translation model trained on a bilingual corpus of scientific papers with sense-focused look-up in a large bilingual terminological resource. For the latter, we developed a novel technique that benefits from viewing the keyphrase list as contextual help for sense disambiguation. The optimal combination of modules was discovered by a genetic algorithm. Our work applies to the French / English language pair.

Item Type:Conference Paper
Keywords:statistical machine translation, lexical resources, keyphrase list.
Subjects:Computer Science > Language
ID Code:4603
Deposited By: Nadeau, David
Deposited On:12 Nov 2005
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:56

References in Article

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Julian Kupiec (1993). An Algorithm For Finding Noun Phrase Correspondences In Bilingual Corpora. ACL93.

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Nizar Hibash and Bonnie Dorr (2002). Handling Translation Divergences: Combining Statistical and Symbolic Techniques in Generation-Heavy Machine Translation. AMT02.

Judith Klavans and Philipp Resnik (1994). The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic and Statistical Approaches to Language. ACL Workshop Proceedings.

David Nadeau, Mario Jarmasz, Caroline Barrière, George Foster and Claude St-Jacques (2004). Using COTS Search Engines and Custom Query Strategies at CLEF. Cross-Language Evaluation Forum CLEF 2004.


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