This site provides Linked Open Data for CPV Codes (European Union Common Procurement Vocabulary). All the data on this site is derived from the XML files on the Simap site.
These codes provide a rich vocabulary for describing goods and services, from "Cabbages" to "Installation services of parking meter equipment". This service has the goal of making it easy to use the Common Procurement Vocabulary in Linked Open data.
CPV2008 - RDF Turtle - 13Mb
(does not include supplementary codes) |
CPV2008 - Tab-Separated Values - 0.3Mb (load in any spreadsheet software) |
All CPV2008 Data - RDF Turtle - 14Mb (includes supplementary code schemes) |
The schemes are described using skos. Individual URIs for codes and schemes resolve to shorter documents (as described below) and a big dump of everything is also available.
The code can include the checksum or not. eg. and are both valid but the metadata is associated with the non-checksum version, and a owl:sameAs links this to the URI including the checksum. Resolving the URI also gives the label in a number of european languages.
Information on codes is available as HTML and Turtle formats. The URI will redirect to the RDF Turtle file.<scheme>>
The main scheme is CPV2008 but there are also a number of supplemental schemes which allow qualification of the codes in the main scheme. Some of these supplemental codes are intended for use with a value, such as size or weight, but that is beyond our scope currently.
Schemes are available as HTML, Turtle and TSV (Spreadsheet) formats. The URI will redirect to the RDF Turtle file.
The URIs are deliberately not defined as part of as they are a European standard, not just a UK one.