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DHDL update

The Digital Humanities Distributed Lab (DHDL) student design team have now had a few meetings and a few proposals for technology are on the table. Proposed technological components include: Pre-configured and usually-on webcam systems in DH rooms, for broadcasting lectures and multi-disciplinary seminars and for promoting serendipitous encounters at other times; Wall-mounted LCD touch screens will provide DH activity updates and message-boards. Continue reading →

Languages South East

The Modern Languages team at the University of Southampton work with school teachers to help them banish boring lessons by adding a touch of digital magic. I caught up with them spreading the word about technology at a conference a few months ago, listen here to my podcast. You can catch up with what they're doing now at Continue reading →

South by South Coast – Digital Creative Industries and Digital Humanities

South by South Coast (#SXSC) is an all-day informal event taking place on 18 May 2012 at the University of Southampton Students Union building. It is aimed at anyone involved in the region’s creative industries, and will include a number of sotonDH staff and students. Come and meet some great people with interests in the creative industries and digital media. Geek out, talk, hear some inspiring speakers, and enjoy our music and beer, all for free. Continue reading →

Au revoir to boring language lessons!

Switched-on modern language teachers in the south east and beyond are using digital technology to make lessons more inspiring for their pupils – thanks to an initiative from the University of Southampton and ICT guru Joe Dale*. A pioneering ICT and Languages conference at the University in 2011 inspired many school teachers to use digital technologies to enhance their lessons and enthuse pupils. Teachers were encouraged to swop their good ideas via Twitter. Continue reading →