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Microsoft Digital Humanities Workshop

Earlier this month I spoke at the Microsoft Digital Humanities session and in the Community Capability Model session at the 2011 Microsoft Research eScience in Action Workshop in Stockholm, Sweden. I started off by talking about our work with institutional data management and then discussed our research in computationally-intensive archaeology.  The talks by Jeffrey Schnapp (Harvard Meta Lab) and myself from the Digital Humanities session are online. @jaytiesse presenting at research. Continue reading →

EPSRC Pathways to Impact

We gained funding in the spring from the EPSRC to develop a Digital Humanities showcase at the Avenue Campus. This includes two multi-touch screen displays and a series of interactive presentations of the work of sotonDH. We have now installed the screens and are testing the interface. Continue reading →

'A Small Greek World' by |rad Malkin

Irad Malkin's new book 'A small Greek world: networks in the Ancient Mediterranean' has just appeared with Oxford University Press. Looks like a fascinating read, seeing Ancient Greek history through network goggles. Visit the publisher’s webpage to order. Irad Malkin will visit Southampton in March for The Connected Past symposium. Here is the book's summary: Greek civilization and identity crystallized not when Greeks were close together but when they came to be far apart. Continue reading →


Preparations are well underway for the CAA2012 meeting to be held at Southampton March 26-29 2012. The call for sessions is still open. For further details of the conference see Continue reading →