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sotonDH Small Grants: Visualising intertextual dimensions of the Gothic itinerary in George Sand’s Consuelo and La Comtesse de Rudolstadt – Post 1

sotonDH Small Grants: Visualising intertextual dimensions of the Gothic itinerary in George Sand’s Consuelo (1842) and La Comtesse de Rudolstadt (1843) – Post 1 by Marilyn Mallia I am a 3rd year PhD student in Modern Languages, and my thesis investigates the uses French writer George Sand makes of the English Gothic Novel in her novels.   'Intertextuality' of this comparative kind lends itself to electronic visualisation. Continue reading →

sotonDH Small Grants: Medieval Palaeography and the Digital World – Post 1

sotonDH Small Grants: Medieval Palaeography and the Digital World – Post 1 by Jacopo Mazzeo I am a second year PhD student in Musicology. My main subject is Medieval Palaeography which is a discipline that studies ancient musical notations. I usually work with high quality digital images: these are basically pictures taken from medieval manuscripts where I find music that I have to decode and sometimes translate into modern notation. Continue reading →

Making Digital: Visual Approaches to the Digital Humanities

Over the past few months Gareth and I have been lucky enough to be involved in a project working with artists from Winchester School of Art to develop a series of training events looking at the relationship between art and archaeology.  This project has been a fantastic experience. Later this week, we are all going to EVA London 2013 to talk about the project, and we wanted to share with you the paper we've collaboratively written. Continue reading →

Gender and Digital Culture

The Gender and Digital Culture Project is currently running its inaugural survey, and we need your help to enable us to understand how gender informs the ways people use digital communication in their professional lives. You can go to the survey right away by clicking here, or continue reading to find out more about the project itself. Continue reading →

Mapping Libel Performance in Early Modern Devon: Results

The pilot resource mapping a sample of the performance-based libel cases from early-modern Devon is now complete. Its layers include the locations used for performance in all ten libel cases with attribute tables associated giving information about each case – these are plotted on a modern map of Devon showing geographical features such as county boundaries, elevation and rivers. Continue reading →