Focus on Secretary Committee rep

Following on from our message last week about Committee positions up for grabs in 2018, this post is about the Pulse Network Secretary role, a fantastic opportunity for someone who’s into social media and sharing our story.

What is the Secretary position about?

You would be collating and sharing information across Pulse, the ED&I team, external bodies and also help the Social/Events rep organise network meetings. The channels we have in place at the moment include:

  • Pulse Twitter feed
  • Pulse Facebook page
  • The new website blog posts
  • Other central University channels, such as SUSSED

You would get support as Secretary, from the Chair and/or other members of the University, in writing/maintaining communications and sharing our story and what’s happening with the University community.

What is the first task?

After getting access to the Twitter and Facebook accounts, this person will be working in partnership with the rest of the Committee to develop a communication plan for launch of the new website at the end of January 2018.

How do I put my name forward as Secretary?

Send your expressions of interest to James Allen by Monday 20th November. These will be collated and if there’s more than one, then a network vote will take place.

What other roles need to be filled?

Remember we’re still accepting expressions of interest for Social/Events rep (closing date is this Friday!) We will also be looking to fill the Vice-Chair role. If you’re interested in finding out more about these then check out the Terms of Reference for an overview or contact James Allen.

Focus on Events/Social Committee rep

The Pulse LGBT+ Staff Network needs a solid foundation to continue doing great work. Last year we agreed the Terms of Reference and it’s vital we fill the Committee roles, to best support each other and the University, in a sustainable way.

We have three roles left on the Committee up for grabs, and this post is about the Events/Social position.

What is the Events/Social position about?

This person will organise regular LGBT+ events for Pulse members and the University, working with the Diversity team to ensure open events appear in the University-wide Diversity calendar. These could happen every few months, and be in collaboration with:

  • Faculties
  • Professional Services teams
  • The Student Union
  • Other local or external bodies and groups

A list of previous events can be found here. For example, the last event we held in September was in collaboration with Irwin Mitchell LLP and Stonewall. We already have a few ideas for next year and can’t wait for you to develop these further. You would get support in this role from the Chair and/or other members of the University, in planning and making events happen.

What is the first task?

To organise the Pulse Christmas Social! The tentative date is 6th December, so I’d like to invite anyone with ideas/suggestions to come forward and turn it into a great evening! There has been mention of karaoke, what other ideas do you have?

How do I put my name forward to be on the Committee?

Send your expressions of interest to James Allen by Friday 3rd November. These will be collated and if there’s more than one, then a network vote will take place.

What if I want to help organise the Christmas Social, but not be on the Pulse Committee?

That’s fine too! Contact James Allen by Friday 3rd November and everyone interested in organising the Pulse Christmas Social will be connected together.

What other roles need to be filled?

We also have spaces for Vice-Chair and Secretary. If you’re interested in finding out more about these then check out the Terms of Reference for an overview and contact James Allen with expressions of interest.

BiVisibility Day 23rd September event

BiVisibility Day (also known as International Celebrate Bisexuality Day) is taking place on 23rd September. It has been marked each year since 1999 to highlight biphobia and to help people find the bisexual community and engage in conversation.

To celebrate the day, BiWessex are having a drinks and informal quiz night at the Slug and Lettuce in Southampton, on the evening of 23rd. It’s open for people to join and you can find out more on the event Facebook page here: Some of the Pulse network are also members of BiWessex so you may spot a few familiar faces as well as get to meet new people.

If you have other events/socials/conferences coming up that you’d like to share across the network then please get in touch.