New Year and new opportunities

Happy New Year!

I hope that you’re all recharged after the break and have the best foot forward for 2018. As we’re all probably aware, this year will bring many changes across the University, so it’s important for us to remain focused on how we can help keep our colleagues and communities together.

Your input is needed to shape and deliver what Pulse is about, and an ideal opportunity is coming up in February for LGBT History Month. Plans are in place for the Annual Stonewall Lecture – details to be released shortly for 14th Feb – and this week a meeting is happening with the Student Union to think about what events the Pulse Network can collaborate on.

So the question is, what events or activities could you make happen, or like to see for LGBT History Month?

Please get in touch by the end of this week (cop Friday 12th Jan) with your ideas, so they can be added to a calendar of events and if extra support is needed this can be agreed. You may also have other ideas for events later on this year, so again get in touch. This is our network, and your input is needed to help make it the best it can be.

See you soon,

Pulse LGBT+ Staff Network Chair

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