R4L Project Team
Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Leslie Carr is a senior lecturer in the IAM group at Southampton University. He is director of Eprints software
and manager of the JISC Opsis project developing Eprints. Also technical director currently for the eBank project
(JISC 2003-) and previously for the Open Citation Project (JISC-NSF, 1999-2002), both of which have informed the
development of Eprints (for the collection of e-science data and OAI compliance, respectively).
Leslie is a member of the OAI technical committee.
National Crystallography Service
School of Chemistry
University of Southampton
Simon Coles has been the manager of the National Crystallography Service
(NCS) since October 1998. The NCS is a centre of expertise in development
of crystallographic instrumentation, software and techniques, whilst
providing a scientific data acquisition and analysis service to the
entire UK chemistry community. NCS is heavily involved in the UK eScience
program, as a member of the CombeChem (EPSRC) and eBank (JISC) projects.
An invited speaker at a number of international crystallographic and
computational conferences SJC has been appointed as crystallographic
editor to two chemistry journals and is the coauthor of approximately
300 peer reviewed (and also data based) publications. SJC is currently
investigator on EPSRC projects: The National Crystallography Service;
eScience testbed CombeChem; eScience Platform; eScience Sisters, and
on the JISC funded eBankII project extension to eBank.
Frey Group
School of Chemistry
University of Southampton
Jeremy is committed to a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach
to chemical research. Principle interactions include: PI of the EPSRC
eScience testbed project –CombeChem, Investigator on the JISC
funded e-Bank project, PI of a Research Councils UK, Basic Technology
programme project to develop new technology for a nanoscale x-ray
source. Recent Grant awards include: “Laser Driven STM”,
PI, £430k, EPSRC Equipment Development Programme, 1999; Structure-Property
Mapping: Combinatorial Chemistry & the Grid (CombeChem) GR/R67729/01(PI),
2001; Basic Technology: New Technology for nanoscale X-ray sources:
Towards single isolated molecule scattering GR/R87307/01(P), 2003;
“e-Bank”, CI, £150k, JISC Semantic Grid Applications,
2003; An Experimental Investigation of Laser Generated Cavitation
and its Effects on Surface Coatings GR/S01764/0, 2003; High-throughput
Structure/Function Screening of Materials and Catalysts under Process
Conditions using Synchrotron Radiation GR/S85818/0, 2004; Rapid Prototyping
Of Usable Grid Middleware GR/T27488/01, 2004.
National Crystallography Service
School of Chemistry
University of Southampton
Mike Hursthouse is the director of the National Crystallography Service
(current funding of £1.26M over 5 years runs until 2006) and
has managed research grant income during his career exceeding £6.5M
from UK research councils. Research highlights and current interests
include numerous firsts in crystallography during the 70’s and
80’s; early development of experimental and theoretical charge
density studies; the first laboratory world-wide to install and develop
the use of area detectors for small molecule crystallography; co-recipient
of eScience Grant CombeChem (£2.5M); investigator on the JISC
eBank project; development of the World’s first fully automated
data collection and structure determination facility for small molecule
crystallography; author of more than 1000 peer reviewed publications;
regular appearance in the ISI Top-20 cited Physical Scientists lists.
Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Arouna Woukeu is a Research Fellow in the School of Electronics and
Computer Science at the University of Southampton. Current research
interests include Web Engineering, the Semantic Web, e-Learning, the
Grid and Digital Libraries. He has worked on a number of projects
including the ELeGI, FREMA, KWiCK and OpCit.
Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Tim Miles-Board is a Research Fellow in the School of Electronics
and Computer Science at the University of Southampton.
Frey Group
School of Chemistry
University of Southampton
Andrew Milsted is a PhD Student in the School of Chemistry at the
University of Southampton.
Project Information |
R4L is funded by
within the programme Digital
Repositories |
Email Simon Coles,
Project Manager
Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 4479
Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 2865
R4L Project,
IAM (Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia) Group,
Department of Electronics & Computer Science,
University of Southampton,
SO17 1BJ, UK |