Geodise DAML + Oil Workshop

19-20 February 2002

Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester

Contact: Angus Roberts (

You can open the original pre-workshop homepage from here

  1. Workshop content
  2. References and additional links
  3. Attendance
  4. Contact

Workshop content

Ontological engineering 101 Jeremy Rogers
DAML + OIL and Description Logic reasoning Ian Horrocks
Approach to building ontologies: a high-level view Chris Wroe
Using OilEd lead by Chris Wroe and Sean Bechhofer
Issues: starting out Jeremy Rogers
Building a DAML+OIL ontology  
Issues: down the road Jeremy Rogers
Experiences of using DAML+OIL facilitated by Robert Stevens

References and additional links

Projects and participants

Building Ontologies


The Semantic Web and DAML+OIL


Attendance at the workshop was:

Clive Emberey Epistemics
Paul Smart Epistemics
Tim Clarke Epistemics
Dean Hennessey Epistemics
Matthew Murray Epistemics
Barry Tao Southampton University
Angus Roberts Manchester University
Phil Lord Manchester University
Mark Greenwood Manchester University
Nick Sharman Manchester University
Alan Rector Manchester University
Carole Goble Manchester University
Chris Wroe Manchester University
Jeremy Rogers Manchester University
Sean Bechhofer Manchester University
Robert Stevens Manchester University
Ian Horrocks Manchester University


Angus Roberts
'phone: 0161 275 6239

Updated 27 February 2002