High Performance Computing


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We develop technology (hardware, algorithms and software) to deliver
cost-effective computational results

Academic Staff:


  • Rowland Watkins

  • Joe Hudson

  • Toby Hunt

  • U Mahasen Tennakoon

  • Kheiredine Derouiche

Our objectives are:

Design, development and deployment of cost-effective high performance computing systems. Our technical innovations have led to a University decision to install a 200-300 node commodity cluster in 2000, which will be the largest such system in a UK University.

Development of advanced programming environments for high performance and parallel computing.

Collaborative development of high performance computational algorithms and application programs within major research programmes in Engineering and the Physical, Environmental and Social Sciences.

We have opportunities for collaborative research with a number of departments and are keen to attract students from a wide range of numerate disciplines. Members of the group have had backgrounds in Physics, Maths, Computer Science, Geography, Oceanography, Biology, Geophysics and Electronic Engineering.

Find out more about:

If you are interested in working in High Performance Computing then come and talk to us. Please contact:

Dr Denis A Nicole

Phone: +44 23 8059 2703
