Making ContactWe are always keen to attract new postgraduates with a first or strong upper second class degree in Engineering, Computer Science, a Physical Science or Mathematics. UK candidates can usually be EPSRC supported; foreign candidates will usually need to be supported from their home countries. Click here to find out more about postgraduate opportunities in High Performance Computing and here to see our latest postgraduate brochure.We also have occasional vacancies for postdoctoral researches in the group. As you will have read, our internal and external collaborations are vital to the success of the HPC activity. Researchers at other Universities and in Industry with interesting computational problems are invited to contact Dr Denis Nicole to discuss possible new collaborations. Our web pages may be found at http://www.hpcc.ecs.soton.ac.uk/. Informal inquiries can be addressed to Dr Denis Nicole by Email to
dan@ecs.soton.ac.uk or by telephone to
+44 2380 592703.
Our correct postal address is:
FAXes should be sent to+44 2380 593045. Further information, including
application forms,
may be found on the Department's
Postgraduate Admissions
page. For printed copies of the postgraduate application forms and general information, you should contact: