High Performance Computing


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Dr Denis A Nicole
Dr Jacek Generowicz
Dr Ivan Wolton

In early 1994 the Research Councils purchased a large Cray T3D parallel computer, containing 512 DEC Alpha processors as a national High Performance Computing facility. Three centres, the University of Southampton, the Daresbury Laboratory and the University of Edinburgh, where the machine is sited, were awarded HPCI Centre status to provide support in applications development and code optimisation for the Grand Challenge consortia who use the machine.

The original T3D has since been supplemented in 1997 by a Cray T3E at Edinburgh and, in 1998, by a T3E at Manchester forming part of the new CSAR service. The Southampton centre provided the technical benchmarking and acceptance testing support for the procurement that led to the Manchester machine.

Our support for consortia ended in October 1999.


The Southampton Centre supported six funded consortia:

When PPARC participated in the HPCI, we also supported:

Code development tools

We are supporting and promoting a variety of code development tools to assist the Grand Challenge Community.

HPCI Conference 1998

EPSRC and the three national HPCI Centres jointly organised a conference in Manchester from 12-14 January 1998 to mark the end of the first 3 years of HPCI.


Tuesday 5th May 1998

In conjunction with the T3D users group meeting at Southampton, we conducted afternoon tutorials on:

Wednesday 3rd April 1996

Workshop On Computational Techniques For Problems Involving Long Range Forces.