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To find out more about the ecological cost of sex click here

University of Southampton Press Release

Southampton researchers prove the value of sex: A general release about the cost of sex research.

Press Coverage

Nature Science update
Counting the cost of sex
BBC news online
Why sex is here to stay
Electronic Telegraph
Why sex beats being a lonesome clone (23-March-2000)
New Reporter Online
Southampton researchers prove the value of sex
Diario Clarín Argentina
Reproducción por clonación o sexual: ¿cuál es la mejor? (Spanish)

Other Web Pages on the Cost of Sex Study

The ecological cost of sex
Reuters Health
Why does sex exist?
Proving the value of sex
Hampshire Chronicle
Why sex is such a great survivor
Spiegel Online
Warum Männer doch einen Zweck haben (German)
Le sexe des anges (French)

Academic Publications

Doncaster,C.P., Pound, G.E. & Cox, S.C. (2000). The ecological cost of sex. Nature. 404, 281-285.