To find out more about the ecological cost of sex click here
University of Southampton Press Release
Southampton researchers prove
the value of sex: A general release about the cost of
sex research.
Press Coverage
- Nature Science update
Counting the cost of sex
- BBC news online
Why sex is here to stay
- Electronic Telegraph
Why sex beats being a lonesome clone (23-March-2000)
- New Reporter Online
- Southampton
researchers prove the value of sex
- Diario Clarín Argentina
Reproducción por clonación o sexual: ¿cuál es la mejor?
Other Web Pages on the Cost of Sex Study
- BioMedNet
- The ecological cost of sex
- Reuters Health
- Why does sex exist?
- ScienceNet
- Proving the value of sex
- Hampshire Chronicle
- Why sex is such a great survivor
- Spiegel Online
- Warum Männer doch einen Zweck haben (German)
- Canoe
- Le sexe des anges (French)
Academic Publications
Doncaster,C.P., Pound, G.E. & Cox, S.C. (2000). The ecological cost of
sex. Nature. 404, 281-285. |