Reason: 14
Language graduates have a proven track record and should therefore have the necessary skills to acquire an additional language
Connell, T. (2002) Languages and Employability: A Question of Careers (
Related Keywords:
HE (Higher Education sector), Language awareness, Language learning skills
Reason: 17
Not only does the process of learning a foreign language make students more aware of the.. functions of language, it also gives graduates advantages over others in the competition for jobs
Plasberg, U. (1999) ‘Building bridges to Europe: languages for students of other disciplines’ in the Language Learning Journal, No. 20, pp. 51-58
Related Keywords:
Employability, Language awareness
Reason: 19
Learning other languages can contribute to education in language and, can also provide enjoyment and enhance confidence
Williams, K. (2001) ‘Towards a rationale for foreign language education: re-stating my reservations’ in the Language Learning Journal, No. 24. pp. 43-47
Related Keywords:
Language awareness, Personal and social development, Personal satisfaction
Reason: 48
Language is a means of expressing thought and the study of a foreign language reveals the anatomy of thought. Each language has its own modes of expression, and the contrast and comparison of different modes of expression leads to a more accurate sense of logical processes and a closer observation of the finer shades of meaning
Leathes Report (1918) cited in Byram, M. (1997) "Cultural awareness" as vocabulary learning’ in the Language Learning Journal, No. 16, pp. 51-57
Related Keywords:
Knowledge, Language awareness, Linguistics
Reason: 68
There are many common features in all languages, and in learning languages once learners master some of the basics, they can apply their knowledge about languages in general and their learning strategies to further languages
Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (2002) Why should linguistic diversity be maintained and supported in Europe? Some arguments (Strasbourg: Council of Europe)
Related Keywords:
Language awareness, Learning strategies
Reason: 71
Because it tries to foster positive attitudes to all that is different, language awareness is an integral part of the contribution of language teaching to peace
Candelier, M., MacDonald-Smith, F., Reig-Garganta, D. The contribution of modern language teaching to peace (Graz: European Centre for Modern Languages, Workshop Report, 30 September-3 October 1998)
Related Keywords:
Language awareness, Teaching, Values
Reason: 82
Given the pervasive role of language in the formation, maintenance and expression of personal identity, the experience of learning a new language and a growth in language awareness might reasonably be supposed to have some potential role in the learner’s spiritual growth
Smith, D. (2002) ‘Spiritual development in the language classroom: interpreting the National Curriculum’ in the Language Learning Journal, No. 26, pp. 36-42
Related Keywords:
Education Studies, Identity, Language awareness, Personal and social development, Values
Reason: 103
Learning another language improves your English language skills
Sixth Former
Related Keywords:
English Mother Tongue, Language awareness
Reason: 104
Learning another language makes English easier
Sixth Former
Related Keywords:
English Mother Tongue, Language awareness
Reason: 128
Learning languages also has another important effect: experience shows that when undertaken from a very early age, it is an important factor in doing well at school. Contact with another language is not only compatible with becoming proficient in one's mother tongue, it also makes it easier
European Commission (1995: 67) cited in Byram, M. (2002) 'Foreign language education as political and moral education - an essay' in the Language Learning Journal, No. 26, pp. 43-47
Related Keywords:
Education Studies, English Mother Tongue, Language awareness, Personal and social development
Reason: 180
Some of the most moving and relevant examples of language learning in practice have been the attempts of the very young, and the striving of those with learning difficulties, to communicate in foreign tongues. Through it they have learned - about themselves, about the world, about their own language
King, L. (1999) ‘Challenges to multilingualism’ in Tosi, A., Leung, C. (eds) Rethinking Language Education: From a Monolingual to a Multilingual Perspective (London: CILT), pp. 19-29
Related Keywords:
Accessibility, Communication, Education Studies, English Mother Tongue, Language awareness, Learning
Reason: 196
The foreign language in the early stages for the slower learner seems to offer a new experience of word play
Hawkins, E. (1981) Modern Languages in the Curriculum (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
Related Keywords:
Accessibility, Education Studies, Language awareness
Reason: 199
Exploration of structures which contrast with English.. directly promotes growing awareness of how language works, while teaching the lesson that English is only one way, not the way, in which meaning can be expressed
Hawkins, E. (1981) Modern Languages in the Curriculum (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
Related Keywords:
English Mother Tongue, Language awareness, Linguistics
Reason: 200
Foreign language learning can contribute to developing awareness of language through help in discriminating nuances of meaning in English by exploring alternatives in the foreign language which do not exactly match the English
Hawkins, E. (1981) Modern Languages in the Curriculum (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
Related Keywords:
English Mother Tongue, Language awareness
Reason: 238
Through a study of languages, young people can learn social skills and gain self-confidence through understanding that they are cracking a code which has the potential to open up a new world to them
Swarbrick, A. (2002) 'Positioning modern foreign language teaching in schools: issues and debates' in Swarbrick, A. (ed) Teaching Modern Foreign Languages in Secondary Schools (London: Routledge Falmer, The Open University), pp. 3-22
Related Keywords:
Key skills, Language awareness, Personal and social development
Reason: 243
Through a study of languages, young people can learn about themselves, about the world, about the power of language as a communication tool, about their own language
Swarbrick, A. (2002) 'Positioning modern foreign language teaching in schools: issues and debates' in Swarbrick, A. (ed) Teaching Modern Foreign Languages in Secondary Schools (London: Routledge Falmer, The Open University), pp. 3-22
Related Keywords:
Communication, Education Studies, English Mother Tongue, Language awareness, Learning, Personal and social development
Reason: 271
Language learning provides insights into the nature of language and the roots of the English language
Wicksteed, K. (2004) 'Languages and the Baccalaureate' in Languages, Mathematics and the Baccalaureate (London: The Nuffield Foundation), pp. 12-17
Related Keywords:
English Mother Tongue, Language awareness
Reason: 304
Plurilingual and pluricultural competence promotes the development of linguistic and communication awareness, and even metacognitive strategies which enable the social agent to become more aware of and control his or her own spontaneous ways of handling tasks and in particular their linguistic dimension. In addition, this experience of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism: exploits pre-existing sociolinguistic and pragmatic competences which in turn develops them further; leads to a better perception of what is general and what is specific concerning the linguistic organisation of different languages; by its nature refines knowledge of how to learn and the capacity to enter into relations with others and new situations
Council of Europe (2001) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
Related Keywords:
Communication, Intercultural competence, Key skills, Language awareness, Learning, Learning strategies, Linguistics, Multilingualism
Reason: 334
Early learning of languages is giving other countries key advantages- While we have English, others have English, their national language and a head start in learning new languages
The Nuffield Languages Inquiry (2000) Languages: the next generation (London: The Nuffield Foundation)
Related Keywords:
Global English, Language awareness, UK
Reason: 352
Learning a new language improves the use of English. Learning another language gives the learner valuable insights into the way the mother tongue works
The Nuffield Languages Inquiry (2000) Languages: the next generation (London: The Nuffield Foundation)
Related Keywords:
English Mother Tongue, Language awareness
Reason: 357
Modern Foreign Languages provides opportunities for pupils to develop the key skill of: Communication, through developing their awareness of the way language is structured and how it can be manipulated to meet a range of needs, and through reinforcing learning in specific areas such as listening, reading for gist and detail, and using grammar correctly
DFEE, QCA (1999) Modern Foreign Languages: The National Curriculum for England (London: HMSO)
Related Keywords:
Communication, Key skills, Language awareness, Language learning skills, Learning, Linguistics, Secondary sector
Reason: 358
Modern Foreign Languages provides opportunities to promote: Thinking skills, through developing pupils’ ability to draw inferences from unfamiliar language and unexpected responses, through enabling pupils to reflect on links between languages, and through developing pupils’ creative use of language and expression of their own ideas, attitudes and opinions
DFEE, QCA (1999) Modern Foreign Languages: The National Curriculum for England (London: HMSO)
Related Keywords:
Academic skills, Creativity, Critical thinking, Language awareness, Personal and social development, Secondary sector
Reason: 359
Through the study of a foreign language…Pupils also learn about the basic structures of language. They explore the similarities and differences between the foreign language they are learning and English or another language, and learn how language can be manipulated and applied in different ways. Their listening, reading and memory skills improve, and their speaking and writing become more accurate. The development of these skills, together with pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the structure of language, lay the foundations for future study of other languages
DFEE, QCA (1999) Modern Foreign Languages: The National Curriculum for England (London: HMSO)
Related Keywords:
English Mother Tongue, Key skills, Language awareness, Language learning skills, Linguistics, Secondary sector
Reason: 369
By its very nature the study of a foreign language adds a distinctive dimension of its own: It exposes learners to new experiences and enables them to make connections in a way which would not otherwise be possible, and this in itself deepens their understanding of their mother tongue; Operating with a more limited stock of language both brings out the need for strategies for communication and makes learners more conscious of the meaning of words and the structure of sentences; The sounds and intonation patterns of the foreign language present a challenge to learners' capacity to discriminate and imitate
The Department of Education and Science; Welsh Office (1990) Modern Foreign Languages for Ages 11 to 16 (London: HMSO)
Related Keywords:
Communication, English Mother Tongue, Language awareness, Learning strategies, Personal and social development, Secondary sector, Uniqueness
Reason: 371
The first hand experience of another language brings a new perspective to pupils' perception of language, enabling them to make comparisons which sharpen their understanding of the concepts in both languages. Even in the early stages of learning, when pupils' linguistic resources are limited, the study of a modern language contributes new elements to their developing knowledge of the world and of other countries' cultures. It can offer valuable opportunities for reinforcing knowledge by enabling them to talk and write in the foreign language, albeit in simplified form, about what they have learnt in other subjects. It also develops an awareness in pupils of the value of knowing another language, and of the interpretative skills which it gives them
The Department of Education and Science; Welsh Office (1990) Modern Foreign Languages for Ages 11 to 16 (London: HMSO)
Related Keywords:
Culture, Education Studies, English Mother Tongue, Knowledge, Language awareness, Language learning skills, Related subjects, Secondary sector
Reason: 410
As students progress through their education at school, a modern language will be of benefit to their personal and educational development in a variety of ways. It will allow them to establish contact with people of their own age who speak other languages and to access information from other cultures. It will help them thereby to understand that experience of the world through another language can be just as 'real' and 'valid' as experience of the world through English. It will offer them the positive experience of developing an entirely new mode of understanding and expression and an opportunity to acquire an explicit understanding of what the components of language are and how these may be manipulated for different purposes. It will allow them to derive cognitive benefits through problem-solving, memorisation, recall, making connections, attending to detail and pragmatic strategies. All of these are basic transferable skills that can be activated or enhanced through a modern language. Learning a modern language will help students to develop strategies for learning and using language that will assist them not only with their current modern language but with others also that they may subsequently learn. It will encourage them to appreciate and participate in cultural and linguistic diversity
Scottish Executive, Ministerial Action Group on Languages (2000) Citizens of a Multilingual World: Key Issues (
Related Keywords:
Culture, Diversity, Intercultural competence, Key skills, Language awareness, Learning strategies, Networking, Personal and social development, Problem solving, Secondary sector, Understanding
Reason: 435
The formal study of a language provides students with a metalanguage for discussing the characteristics and components of any language, including their native language
Reagan, T. (2004) 'Don't know much about the French I took' in Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Volume 3 (2), pp. 229-239
Related Keywords:
English Mother Tongue, Language awareness, Linguistics
Reason: 436
The study of language can be more fundamental epistemologically than the study of any other discipline, since different languages do indeed construct reality in somewhat different ways... Language can and does play an important role in how we perceive and understand reality, and recognition of this role of human language can be an important outcome of the study of any language
Reagan, T. (2004) 'Don't know much about the French I took' in Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Volume 3 (2), pp. 229-239
Related Keywords:
Knowledge, Language awareness
Reason: 448
A foreign language will be very relevant if you join the Foreign and Commonwealth Office - you can demonstrate you have skill in learning languages
Sixth Former
Related Keywords:
Careers, Employability, Language awareness, Language learning skills, Mobility
Reason: 454
In common with the study of the mother tongue, the study of modern foreign languages contributes to the whole school curriculum by:.. Offering many opportunities to develop the various oral and written communication skills; Increasing sensitivity to sounds and rhythms; Providing insights into the way language works
The Department of Education and Science; Welsh Office (1990) Modern Foreign Languages for Ages 11 to 16 (London: HMSO)
Related Keywords:
Communication, English Mother Tongue, Key skills, Language awareness
Reason: 485
A language is a very rewarding challenge that helps you to better understand your own language and the cultures of other countries
Sixth Former
Related Keywords:
Culture, Language awareness, Personal satisfaction, Understanding
Reason: 515
Modern Foreign Languages provides opportunities to promote: Spiritual development, through stimulating pupils' interest and fascination in the phenomenon of language and the meanings and feelings it can transmit
DFEE, QCA (1999) Modern Foreign Languages: The National Curriculum for England (London: HMSO)
Related Keywords:
Language awareness, Personal and social development, Secondary sector, Values
Reason: 539
It is interesting to see how other languages are used
Sixth Former
Related Keywords:
Language awareness, Personal satisfaction
Reason: 544
It's interesting comparing one language to another
Sixth Former
Related Keywords:
Language awareness, Personal satisfaction
Reason: 555
Language learning improves your vocabulary
Sixth Former
Related Keywords:
Language awareness, Language learning skills
Reason: 643
When you do a language degree, you develop a much more sophisticated knowledge of English grammar than other people
language undergraduate
Related Keywords:
English Mother Tongue, HE (Higher Education sector), Language awareness, Linguistics
Reason: 649
Foreign language learning will give you a better knowledge of language in general
language undergraduate
Related Keywords:
Language awareness
Reason: 698
Language learning gives you understanding of etymology
undergraduate: IWLP
Related Keywords:
Language awareness
Reason: 712
Learning a language gives you the ability to pick out information in many languages, which you haven’t actually studied
language undergraduate
Related Keywords:
Information acquisition, Language awareness
Reason: 714
Learning a foreign language helps you to discover new things about your mother language
language undergraduate
Related Keywords:
English Mother Tongue, Language awareness