Materials Bank resources with this keyword

Film, novel and social transformation in France

This is a blended learning exemplar developed for use on a second year undergraduate module in French available on the Modern Languages Programme at Nottingham Trent University. The module, Film, Novel and Social Transformation in France, is currently taught by a team comprised of Professor Jean-Pierre Boulé and Dr. Enda McCaffrey.

Graffiti de Julio Cortázar

This learning object looks at a story by the Argentinian writer Julio Cortázar who was writing in difficult and oppressive political times during the last military dictatorship in Argentina which ended in 1983 just one year before his death.

This learning object has been subject to peer review and editing, and is entirely in Spanish.

En esta unidad leerás el cuento Graffiti de Julio Cortázar (escritor argentino 1914-1984), el cual trata del flirteo de una pareja de enamorados durante los años de la última dictadura militar en Argentina (1976-1983). Aprenderás cómo se pudo haber sentido el ciudadano común en una época de represión cuando los actos más ingenuos se convertían en peligrosos y subversivos. Además de leer el cuento, podrás escucharlo en las grabaciones al principio de cada parte. El acento que escucharás es el de una nativa de Argentina.

French urban space: The city in French literature

French Urban Space helps you read and study the Paris novels of the nineteenth century. Its key aims are to improve your reading strategies for French literature. The activities show you how to generate essay questions, develop arguments and create your own original material for writing papers. You can work through the whole package over a semester whilst reading the French novels of the nineteenth century, guided by your lecturer.

These online materials are a set of resources that encourage undergraduates to engage with area studies through French language and through French literary studies. The materials developed do not simply use web technologies to add interactivity to the learning objects (LOs) but also equip humanities students with an introductory understanding of the emerging technologies of mark-up for handling digital texts in the Web 2.0 era of The Semantic Web.

Teaching visual arts in a university modern languages syllabus

This website provides the full presentations (as MP3 files) and PowerPoint slides from the National Workshop on Teaching Visual Arts in a University Modern Languages Syllabus, which took place on Friday 23rd November, 2007 in St Catharine's College, Cambridge.

German: Podcasting Goethe

This website is designed to enhance the study and enjoyment of Goethe’s early poetry. It features readings of a selection of poems, available as podcasts, which span the period from roughly 1771 up to Goethe’s departure for Italy in the autumn of 1786. German transcriptions are provided, as are English translations to help listeners through the poems: these translations are of varying quality and are included as a guide only.

Spanish: Torquemada en la hoguera

An electronic edition of the 1889 novel, 'Torquemada en la hoguera', by one of Spain's greatest writers, Benito Pérez Galdós. This edition has been created as part of the Pérez Galdós Editions Project at the University of Sheffield and allows both students and scholars to engage with this classic text in new and innovative ways.

Linguistics: Language and style

This is a web-based introductory course in Stylistic Analysis created by Mick Short with funding from the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) prize. Stylistics is a systematic way of exploring (primarily literary) texts. It looks at the language of texts and tries to explain how that language creates meaning, style and effect. Language and Style covers all three major literary genres (poetry, prose and drama), and also other text-types e.g. advertisments.

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