Film, novel and social transformation in France
Author: Neil Hughes
© Neil Hughes, Nottingham Trent University
This is a blended learning exemplar developed for use on a second year undergraduate module in French available on the Modern Languages Programme at Nottingham Trent University. The module, Film, Novel and Social Transformation in France, is currently taught by a team comprised of Professor Jean-Pierre Boulé and Dr. Enda McCaffrey.Format:
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One of the main aims of the exemplar, which is authored in Wimba Create, is to demonstrate how effective resources that integrate discussion boards, hyperlinks, and self-test questions, can be built using inexpensive and easy-to-use software and delivered through virtual learning environments such as Blackboard and Desire2Learn.
The exemplar includes basic module details such as module learning outcomes, information about core texts, the diet of assessment and the module delivery structure. It also includes the details of the first three weeks of the module's content and mode of delivery. In terms of the face-to-face aspects of the module, students attend a programme of fortnightly lectures. Between lectures, students are required to complete online interactive learning activities based on written, audio and audio-visual input made available through NTU's virtual learning environment. They also debate key issues and themes in an asynchronous discussion board.
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