LLAS Event

Event date: 11 May, 2012
Location: Jessop West Exhibition Space, University of Sheffield

Event date: 19 June, 2009
Location: University of Bristol, School of Modern Languages, 19 Woodland Road, Lecture Theatre 1 (access through the entrance to the Arts Faculty, 5-7 Woodland Road)
Materials Bank Item

This is a blended learning exemplar developed for use on a second year undergraduate module in French available on the Modern Languages Programme at Nottingham Trent University. The module, Film, Novel and Social Transformation in France, is currently taught by a team comprised of Professor Jean-Pierre Boulé and Dr. Enda McCaffrey.
Web Guide (GPG)

An overview of the nature and content of Canadian Studies (including Québec Studies) teaching and research in British and Northern Irish universities, with sections on each designated centre, their specialist disciplines and the courses they offer. These are mainly in history, politics, literature, geography, film, and aboriginal studies, often as part of a comparative programme.

Setting up and teaching a new module integrating print, film and web-based teaching materials: the case of film culture and mass consumption.

The Humbox is a humanities teaching resource repository jointly managed by LLAS.