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LLAS Event

llasevent iconThe Utopian years? Radical Left Movements in Pompidou's France
Event date: 11 May, 2011
Location: Room 2.09, Park Building, University of Portsmouth
llasevent iconFrance, North Africa and the Middle East: interdisciplinary and multimedia approaches
Event date: 18 March, 2009
Location: School of Languages and Area Studies, Park Building, University of Portsmouth

Materials Bank Item

matbank iconFilm, novel and social transformation in France
This is a blended learning exemplar developed for use on a second year undergraduate module in French available on the Modern Languages Programme at Nottingham Trent University. The module, Film, Novel and Social Transformation in France, is currently taught by a team comprised of Professor Jean-Pierre Boulé and Dr. Enda McCaffrey.
matbank iconFrench: A mobile-learning resource for "The Book in Middle French"

This development project was to design an introductory set of electronic exercises for Year 2 undergraduates approaching medieval literature for the first time. The reusable learning objects provide a phenomenological approach to the material existence of the book as it appeared in the early 1400s in France. The aim of the objects is to communicate the state of book- and script technologies at that time. The resource pack contains interactive exercises for use on the mobile smart-phone or PDA.

matbank iconFrench: Language resources
A gateway to French learning resources, produced by the School of Modern Languages, University of Salford. It contains links which include Contemporary Society, Culture and Business French.


Web Guide (GPG)

webguide iconCanadian Studies teaching in the UK
An overview of the nature and content of Canadian Studies (including Québec Studies) teaching and research in British and Northern Irish universities, with sections on each designated centre, their specialist disciplines and the courses they offer. These are mainly in history, politics, literature, geography, film, and aboriginal studies, often as part of a comparative programme.
webguide iconFrench studies in UK higher education
A survey of French area studies teaching in the UK, covering curriculum content, design and delivery.

News item

news iconForeign assistance: working in a French school for a gap year
What is it like to work in a French school during a year abroad? Katie Phipps reports in the Guardian Newspaper, 23rd August 2005.

Area Studies Collection

ascollection iconFrancophone Africa (including North and Sub-Saharan Africa)
The University of Portsmouth has a large up-to-date interdisciplinary collection of books and journals covering all aspects of Francophone Africa.
ascollection iconPapers of the Italian Refugees' Relief Committee
The Italian Refugees' Relief Committee was was set up in 1927 as a non-political humanitarian organisation to raise funds to support those who fled Mussolini's Fascist regime. British immigration regulations of the time did not permit the entry of refugees into Britain, but the British Committee was able to send funds and material aid to their French counterparts, the Comité de Secours aux Réfugiés Politiques Italiens, which supported a large exile community in Paris. The collection contains correspondence on subjects including acceptance or rejection of membership, donations, appeals, Committee meetings and finance. There is also correspondence from the French committee, particularly from Giovanna Berneri (wife of the anarchist anti-Fascist Luigi Camillo Berneri), reporting on visits to refugee families, other activities of the organisation, and finance. The rest of the collection contains copies of appeals and letters sent to the press, pamphlets, reports, accounts and balance sheets, and other miscellaneous items.
ascollection iconTurner Collection of French Revolution pamphlets
The Turner Collection was gathered by Father John Turner (1765-1844), a member of the Community of English Benedictines in France during the Revolution. He was personally involved in events in Paris, taking the Civic Oath, and suffering imprisonment in Sainte-Plagie 1793-5. The collection was preserved in the Community's monastery at Douai until the Community's removal to England in 1903, when it was transferred to Douai Abbey, Woolhampton. It was placed on permanent deposit in the University Library, by the Abbot and Community of Douai, in July 1966. The 275 volumes contain some 8,000 items in all, and concerning the events of mainly 1787-1806.
ascollection iconFrench Wartime Newspapers Collection
The French Wartime Newspapers collection recounts the progress of the Allied armies in France over a three-week period from the struggle for the Liberation of Paris (August 25th 1944), together with a Victory issue celebrating the end of the War following the full German surrender (May 7th 1945).
ascollection iconMendelson Collection
The Mendelson Collection is particularly rich in material on French political and economic history, especially of the twentieth century, including works on the rise of fascism, communism and socialism, and post-war conditions in Europe after 1945. French-language material accounts for approximately one-quarter of the collection.
