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paper iconDecentering Area Studies
This paper was first presented at a round-table discussion on the 'Future of Area Studies' held at Woburn House, London on 24 March 2004. This presentation was deliberately provocative and polemical, and more than a trace of these characteristics remain in this more developed version.
paper iconWhy the UK Needs Area Studies
This keynote speech was originally presented at the Area Studies Project conference: Understanding the world: Developing interdisciplinary area studies to meet the needs of the 21st century. The day began with an impassioned plea by former UK Ambassador to Iraq Sir Harold Walker that it is in the national interest that Area Studies programmes are maintained in the UK. In light of current events in Iraq and Afghanistan it is imperative that universities produce graduates who understand the languages and cultures of regions such as the Middle East.

News item

news iconA new umbrella for the Area Studies community
The creation of UKCASA (United Kingdom Council of Area Studies Associations), a new umbrella organisation to supersede CCASA (Coordinating Council for Area Studies Associations).

LLAS Event

llasevent iconArea Studies conference (24 March 2004)
Event date: 29 March, 2004 - 30 March, 2004
Location: Woburn House, 20 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HB
llasevent iconOpening an umbrella for the Area Studies Community (5 Nov 2003)
Event date: 5 November, 2003
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconWeb-based learning and teaching for languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (Beginners)
Event date: 30 March, 2001
Location: Unversity of Westminster
llasevent iconArea Studies Network
Event date: 11 December, 2002
Location: CiLT London
llasevent iconQAA Benchmark in Area Studies: Subject Consultation Meeting
Event date: 12 February, 2001
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconArea Studies: Developing Marketing Strategies
Event date: 13 March, 2002
Location: British Academy, London

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