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paper iconExternal examining: issues in languages, linguistics and area studies
This is a brief report on the issues raised at the LLAS discussion group at “External examining in the humanities” held at the University of Sheffield on 18 February 2011. Please contact John Canning with any comments or suggestions about how LLAS might support current and future external examiners. Further resources from the workshop including a presentation on UUK’s review of external examining are available from the workshop website
paper iconDecentering Area Studies
This paper was first presented at a round-table discussion on the 'Future of Area Studies' held at Woburn House, London on 24 March 2004. This presentation was deliberately provocative and polemical, and more than a trace of these characteristics remain in this more developed version.
paper iconInterdisciplinary teaching and learning in Area Studies
According the Area Studies Benchmarking statement, Area Studies courses are interdisciplinary and/ or multidisciplinary. By thinking about the nature of the discipline itself, this article introduces some of the challenges for teaching staff on interdisciplinary courses.


News item

news iconRevised benchmarks for languages and linguistics now available

The revised benchmark statements for Languages, Linguistics and related studies are now available for consultation.

news iconPublic consultation on British Standard to benchmark good practice in safety management systems (overseas activities)
A new British Standard for the provision of adventurous activities, expeditions, visits and fieldwork, undertaken for educational, training or recreational purposes outside the UK. This standard could have important implications for Residence Abroad in languages and area studies programmes.

LLAS Event

llasevent iconLearning and teaching coordinators focus group (15 Apr 05)
Event date: 15 April, 2005
Location: London
llasevent iconQAA Benchmark in Area Studies: Subject Consultation Meeting
Event date: 12 February, 2001
Location: CILT, London
llasevent iconBenchmarking Linguistics: Open Meeting
Event date: 20 April, 2001
Location: CILT, London